Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 3: Neuronal Systems
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 14:00–17:15, C 243
14:00 |
BP 3.1 |
How to Take a Quick Look---Rapid Neural Coding of Visual Information in the Retina — •Tim Gollisch
14:30 |
BP 3.2 |
Reorganization of neural circuitry during growth of cat visual cortex — •Wolfgang Keil, Fred Wolf, Siegrid Löwel, and Matthias Kaschube
14:45 |
BP 3.3 |
Fasciculation dynamics of sensory neurons — •Debasish Chaudhuri, Peter Borowski, Pradeep K. Mohanty, and Martin Zapotocky
15:00 |
15 min. break
15:15 |
BP 3.4 |
Broadband coding with dynamic synapses — •Benjamin Lindner, John Lewis, and Andre Longtin
15:30 |
BP 3.5 |
Gating charge effects as an intrinsic mechanism for channel noise reduction — Gerhard Schmid, Igor Goychuk, and •Peter Hänggi
15:45 |
BP 3.6 |
Neuronal Avalanches in Networks with Short-Term Synaptic Plasticity — •Anna Levina, J. Michael Herrmann, and Theo Geisel
16:00 |
BP 3.7 |
Exact mean, variance, and autocorrelation function of neural subthreshold voltage — •Lars Wolff and Benjamin Lindner
16:15 |
BP 3.8 |
Chaotic dynamics in the balanced state — •Michael Kreissl, Siegrid Löwel, and Fred Wolf
16:30 |
BP 3.9 |
Statistical framework incorporating temporal and mutual correlations in a neural network ensemble. — •Tatjana Tchumatchenko, Theo Geisel, Stefan Treue, and Fred Wolf
16:45 |
BP 3.10 |
Optimal active network topologies for information transmission — •murilo da silva baptista
17:00 |
BP 3.11 |
Mechanical properties of coupled hair bundles — •Kai Dierkes, Frank Jülicher, and Benjamin Lindner