Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 5: Photobiophysics
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 16:15–17:15, PC 203
16:15 |
BP 5.1 |
Optically "Dark" States of Carotenoids in the Major Plant Light-Harvesting Complex Investigated by Femtosecond Two-Photon Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy — •Alexander Betke, Bernd Voigt, Heiko Lokstein, and Ralf Menzel
16:30 |
BP 5.2 |
Metal - enhanced fluorescence of chlorophylls in single light - harvesting complexes — •Sebastian Mackowski, Stephan Wörmke, Andreas Maier, Tatas Brotosudarmo, Hayk Harutyunyan, Achim Hartschuh, Alexander Govorov, Hugo Scheer, and Christoph Bräuchle
16:45 |
BP 5.3 |
Chlorophyll binding protein complexes: Nanostructure and optical properties — •Franz-Josef Schmitt, Christoph Theiss, Gernot Renger, and Hans Joachim Eichler
17:00 |
BP 5.4 |
Resonanz-Ramanspektroskopie an ß-Karotin und polarisationsabhängige Messungen an Photosystem II - Kristallen — •Katharina Brose, Norman Tschirner, Christian Thomsen, Matthias Schenderlein, Peter Hildebrandt und Athina Zouni