17:00 |
BP 7.1 |
Counterion Dynamics in DNA Electrophoresis — •Sebastian Fischer, Ali Naji, and Roland Netz
17:00 |
BP 7.2 |
Fullerenes Can Induce Toxic Physical Changes of DNA — •Fabian Czerwinski and Lene B. Oddershede
17:00 |
BP 7.3 |
Exact Models for Denaturation Transitions of Nucleic Acids — •Thomas Rudolf Einert and Roland Netz
17:00 |
BP 7.4 |
Impact of alternative genetic codes on the stability of proteins — •Stefanie Sammet, Andreas Buhr, Ugo Bastolla, and Markus Porto
17:00 |
BP 7.5 |
Isothermal DNA Nanotube Self Assembly Using Chemical Dilution — •Thomas Sobey, Stephan Renner, Ralf Jungmann, and Friedrich Simmel
17:00 |
BP 7.6 |
Orientation - Defined Stretching and Fixing of DNA by AC Voltage Induced Electro-Osmotic Flow — •Venkatesh Alagarswamy Govindaraj, Simone Herth, Anke Becker, Andreas Hütten, and Günter Reiss
17:00 |
BP 7.7 |
Exposure of transcription factor binding sites in single nucleosomes and nucleosome arrays — •Wolfram Möbius and Ulrich Gerland
17:00 |
BP 7.8 |
Surface-Enhanced Fluorescence for microarray sensitivity improvement — •Eric Le Moal, Emmanuel Fort, and Sandrine Lévêque-Fort
17:00 |
BP 7.9 |
Modeling Background Intensity in Affymetrix GeneChips — •K. Myriam Kroll, Gerard Barkema, and Enrico Carlon
17:00 |
BP 7.10 |
Nanoengineered Polymer Capsules: Tools for Controlled delivery and Site Specific Manipulation — •Raghavendra Palankar, Oliver Kreft, Andre Skirtach, Yannic Ramaye, Margorzata Garstka, Gleb B. Sukhorukov, Sebastian Springer, and Mathias Winterhalter
17:00 |
BP 7.11 |
Motility and membrane protein dynamics of trypanosomes in a microfluidic environment. — •Eric Stellamanns, Niko Heddergott, Thomas Pfohl, and Markus Engstler
17:00 |
BP 7.12 |
Investigation of erythrocytes cell-cell adhesion forces using holographic optical tweezers — •Achim Jung, Matthias Brust, Patrick Steffen, Christian Wagner, Ingolf Bernhardt, Ljubomira Ivanova, Lars Kaestner, and Peter Lipp
17:00 |
BP 7.13 |
Three-dimensional Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging with a light sheet based microscope (SPIM-FLIM) provides an excellent signal-to-noise ratio — •Manuel J. Neetz, Klaus Greger, Emmanuel G. Reynaud, and Ernst H.K. Stelzer
17:00 |
BP 7.14 |
Endothelzellen und Glatte-Muskel-Zellen auf strukturieren Oberflächen — •Sarah Biela, Su Yi, Stefanie Korte, Britta Striegl, Ralf Kemkemer und Joachim P. Spatz
17:00 |
BP 7.15 |
Close Packed µm-Wells as Culture System for hMSCs — •Julia Schölermann, Ralf Kemkemer, and Joachim P. Spatz
17:00 |
BP 7.16 |
Optical force based investigations of cell mechanical concepts during phagocytosis — •Felix Kohler, Holger Kress, and Alexander Rohrbach
17:00 |
BP 7.17 |
Rigidity percolation in networks of stiff fibers — •Boris Schaefer, Claus Heussinger, and Erwin Frey
17:00 |
BP 7.18 |
Characterizing circular semiflexible polymers — •Karen Alim and Erwin Frey
17:00 |
BP 7.19 |
Nonlinear dynamic response of semiflexible polymers — •Benedikt Obermayer, Wolfram Möbius, Oskar Hallatschek, Klaus Kroy, and Erwin Frey
17:00 |
BP 7.20 |
Orientational correlations in a wormlike chain — •Semjon Stepanow
17:00 |
BP 7.21 |
Conformation of a semiflexible polymer in a disordered environment — •Sebastian Schoebl, Abigail Klopper, and Klaus Kroy
17:00 |
BP 7.22 |
Theory of Mechano-Transduction in Cells — •Sebastian Sturm, Jens Glaser, and Klaus Kroy
17:00 |
BP 7.23 |
Microtubule dynamics depart from wormlike chain model — Katja M Taute, •Francesco Pampaloni, Erwin Frey, and Ernst-Ludwig Florin
17:00 |
BP 7.24 |
Optimization of a thermal Brownian Motor — •Florian Berger, Tim Schmiedl, and Udo Seifert
17:00 |
BP 7.25 |
Contraction waves in chains of spontaneous oscillating sarcomeres. — •Stefan Günther and Karsten Kruse
17:00 |
BP 7.26 |
Manipulation of biological filaments by electric fields — •Christoph Wigge, Horst Hinssen, and Simone Herth
17:00 |
BP 7.27 |
Superdiffusive motion with fractional power-law exponents in cytoskeleton-bound microbeads — •Max Sajitz-Hermstein, Claus Metzner, Raupach Carina, and Fabry Ben
17:00 |
BP 7.28 |
Mechanosensitive pattern formation in active cytoskeletal networks — •Volker Schaller, Ronny Peter, Falko Ziebert, and Walter Zimmermann
17:00 |
BP 7.29 |
Functional and structural characterisation of plasmodium falciparum actin-I — •Stefan Schmitz, Munira Grainger, Iwan A.T. Schaap, Simone Harder, Irene T. Ling, Antony A. Holder, and Claudia Veigel
17:00 |
BP 7.30 |
In vitro assembly and characterization of keratin intermediate filaments — •Anke Leitner, Katrin Hübner, Othmar Marti, Harald Herrmann, and Tatjana Wedig
17:00 |
BP 7.31 |
Linear and nonlinear laser-trapping microrheology — Daisuke Mizuno and •Christoph F. Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 7.32 |
High-resolution probing of active cellular traction forces — Daisuke Mizuno, Rommel Bacabac, Catherine Tardin, David Head, and •Christoph F. Schmidt
17:00 |
BP 7.33 |
Transport through OmpF channels simulated using molecular dynamics — •Soroosh Pezeshki, Catalin Chimerel, Mathias Winterhalter, and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:00 |
BP 7.34 |
Localized heating effects in optical tweezers investigated using ionic currents through nanopores — •Jan Henning Peters and Ulrich Felix Keyser
17:00 |
BP 7.35 |
Simulating an Efflux Pump: Opening the Exit Duct TolC — •Robert Schulz and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
17:00 |
BP 7.36 |
Quantum dots as substrates for nuclear-cytoplasmic transport. — •Ulrike Schmitz-Ziffels, Birgit Klaiberg, Jan-Peter Siebrasse, and Ulrich Kubitscheck
17:00 |
BP 7.37 |
Stochastic model for mitochondria transport along the cytoskeleton — •Thomas Sokolowski and Heiko Rieger
17:00 |
BP 7.38 |
Influence of Receptor Mobility and Micropatterning upon Biomembrane Adhesion — •Susanne Fenz, Cornelia Monzel, Sabine Dieluweit, Kheya Sengupta, and Rudolf Merkel
17:00 |
BP 7.39 |
Model Membranes under Tension — •Jörg Neder, Beate West, Friederike Schmid, and Peter Nielaba
17:00 |
BP 7.40 |
Lateral diffusion of receptor-ligand bonds in membrane adhesion zones: Effect of thermal membrane roughness — •Heinrich Krobath, Gerhard Schütz, Reinhard Lipowsky, and Thomas Weikl
17:00 |
BP 7.41 |
Monte-Carlo simulations of a coarse-grained model for lipid membranes — •Beate West and Friederike Schmid
17:00 |
BP 7.42 |
Diffusion of single actin filaments bound to cationic model membranes — •Lydia Woiterski, Florian Rückerl, Josef Käs, and Carsten Selle
17:00 |
BP 7.43 |
Interactions of nanoparticles and semiflexible polymers with inhomogeneous membranes — Florian Rückerl, Lydia Woiterski, Josef A. Käs, and •Carsten Selle
17:00 |
BP 7.44 |
Characterization of polymer-supported native membranes by X-ray and neutron reflectivity — •Fernanda Rossetti, Emanuel Schneck, Stefan Kaufmann, Murat Tutus, Oleg Konovalev, Giovanna Fragneto, and Motomu Tanaka
17:00 |
BP 7.45 |
Micromachined apertures for x-ray structure analysis of free-standing lipid membranes — •André Beerlink and Tim Salditt
17:00 |
BP 7.46 |
Effect of Cholesterol on the Collective Dynamics of Phospholipid Membranes — •Beate Brüning, Tim Salditt, and Maikel C. Rheinstädter
17:00 |
BP 7.47 |
Translational Brownian motion and rotational shape deformations of freely suspended micron-sized phospholipid vesicles — •Christoph Herold, Eugene P. Petrov, and Petra Schwille
17:00 |
BP 7.48 |
Specular and Off-Specular Neutron Scattering from Solid-Supported Multilayers of Cell-Surface Model Membranes under Bulk Buffers — •Emanuel Schneck, Bruno Demé, Christian Gege, Richard Schmidt, and Motomu Tanaka
17:00 |
BP 7.49 |
Specular and Off-Specular Neutron Scattering from Solid-Supported Glycolipid Membrane Multilayers — •Emanuel Schneck, Florian Rehfeldt, Bruno Demé, Christian Gege, Richard Schmidt, and Motomu Tanaka
17:00 |
BP 7.50 |
Pattern formation in membranes due to electrostatic protein-lipid interacion — •Sergio Alonso, Karin John, and Markus Baer
17:00 |
BP 7.51 |
X-Ray Investigations on Langmuir and LB Films — •Volker Schön and Patrick Huber
17:00 |
BP 7.52 |
The effect of antibiotic binding to bacterial membrane proteins on drug accummulation — •Tivadar Mach, K R Mahendran, Andrey Bessonov, Enrico Spiga, Isabel Sousa, Helge Weingart, Paula Gameiro dos Santos, Matteo Ceccarelli, and Mathias Winterhalter
17:00 |
BP 7.53 |
Artificial Organelles from Giant Unilamellar Vesicles — •Jakob Schweizer and Petra Schwille
17:00 |
BP 7.54 |
Diffusion of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored bovine prion protein (PrPc) in supported lipid membranes studied by single-molecule and complementary ensemble methods. — •Thomas Schubert, Michael Bärmann, Monika Rusp, Walter Gränzer, and Motomu Tanaka