Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
BP 8: Active Filament Networks
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 09:30–13:00, C 243
09:30 |
BP 8.1 |
Active stress fluctuations in biopolymer networks driven by molecular motors — •Gijsje H. Koenderink, Marina Soares e Silva, and Frederick C. MacKintosh
10:00 |
BP 8.2 |
Regulation of microtubule sliding by antagonizing microtubule motors and crosslinkers — •Marcel Janson
10:30 |
15 min. break
10:45 |
BP 8.3 |
Adhesion Patches in Early Cell Spreading — •Hans-Günther Döbereiner, Marcus Prass, Meike Gummich, and Jac-Simon Kühn
11:00 |
BP 8.4 |
Cytoskeleton nanosurgery Part I : Force sensing mechanism within actin stress fibers — •Julien Colombelli, Achim Besser, Emmanuel Reynaud, Holger Kress, Philippe Girard, Ulrich Schwarz, Victor Small, and Ernst Stelzer
11:15 |
BP 8.5 |
Cytoskeleton nanosurgery Part II: Modeling the retraction dynamics of stress fibers after laser cutting — •Achim Besser, Julien Colombelli, Holger Kress, Ernst Stelzer, and Ulrich Schwarz
11:30 |
BP 8.6 |
A Mechanism of Filament Length Regulation — •Christoph Erlenkämper and Karsten Kruse
11:45 |
BP 8.7 |
Microtubule-driven multimerization recruits ase1 onto overlapping microtubules — Lukas C. Kapitein, Marcel E. Janson, •Christoph F. Schmidt, and Erwin J.G. Peterman
12:00 |
BP 8.8 |
Viscoelastic Actin Bundles — •Dan Strehle, José Alvarado, Brian Gentry, Lukas Hild, Mark Bathe, Erwin Frey, and Josef Käs
12:15 |
BP 8.9 |
Three-dimensional preparation and imaging reveal intrinsic microtubule properties — Philipp J Keller, •Francesco Pampaloni, and Ernst H K Stelzer
12:30 |
BP 8.10 |
Instabilities of active gels with stress-dependent depolymerization — •Davood Nourozi and Karsten Kruse
12:45 |
BP 8.11 |
Modeling the lamellipodial protrusion in motile cells — •Mihaela Enculescu and Martin Falcke