16:45 |
CPP 10.1 |
Optical properties of Biaxial Nematogens — •David Polster, Christiane Köhn, Jens Seltmann, Matthias Lehmann, Harald Graaf, Jörg Schuster, and Christian von Borczyskowski
16:45 |
CPP 10.2 |
Switchable Fluorescence Cell — •Frank Friedriszik, Harald Graaf, Jörg Schuster, and Christian von Borczyskowski
16:45 |
CPP 10.3 |
Chemical modification and radiation induced degradation of the photoresist SU-8 — •Angela Keppler, Marcel Himmerlich, Christoph Kremin, Jens T. Schumacher, Andreas Grodrian, Juergen A. Schaefer, Josef Metze, Martin Hoffmann, and Stefan Krischok
16:45 |
CPP 10.4 |
A co-axial dielectric elastomer actuator — •Hristiyan Stoyanov, Guggi Kofod, and Reimund Gerhard
16:45 |
CPP 10.5 |
Nano/micro-structure formation driven by local protonation of polymer thin films via dip-pen nanolithography — •Carsten Mädler, Sailaja Chada, Andres La Rosa, and Mingdi Yan
16:45 |
CPP 10.6 |
Charge transfer between covalently bound oligothiophenes and fullerene — •Wichard J D Beenken
16:45 |
CPP 10.7 |
Supermolecular structure and charge carriers mobilities of perylene diimides — •Valentina Marcon, James Kirkpatrick, Wojtek Pisula, and Denis Andrienko
16:45 |
CPP 10.8 |
Atomistic force field and electronic properties of carbazole: melt and macrocyle — •Thorsten Vehoff, James Kirkpatrick, Kurt Kremer, and Denis Andrienko
16:45 |
CPP 10.9 |
Electronic Excitation Transfer in PPV-Mesoporous Silica Matrix — •Gil Claudio and Eric Bittner
16:45 |
CPP 10.10 |
Optical and electronic properties of oligothiophene dendrimers — •Thomas Hartmann and Peter Reineker
16:45 |
CPP 10.11 |
Investigation of phosphorescent blue organic light emitting diodes — •Chien-Shu Chiu, Ralf Krause, Fryderyk Kozlowski, Arvid Hunze, and Wolfgang Kowalsky
16:45 |
CPP 10.12 |
Optimization of Emission Color and Efficiency of Organic Light Emitting Diodes for Lighting Applications — •Stefan Seidel, Ralf Krause, Fryderyk Kozlowski, Günter Schmid, Arvid Hunze, and Albrecht Winnacker