16:00 |
CPP 22.1 |
Kinetic Monte Carlo modeling of the fingering instability of dewetting fronts in nanoparticle suspensions — •Ioan Vancea, Christopher Martin, Matthew Blunt, Emmanuelle Pauliac-Vaujour, Philip Moriarty, and Uwe Thiele
16:00 |
CPP 22.2 |
Vibration dynamics of a bubble in contact with solid surface — Sergey V. Shklyaev and •Arthur V. Straube
16:00 |
CPP 22.3 |
Mixing on the micron-scale with rotating colloidal clusters — •Sabri Rahmouni, Tobias Sawetzki, David Marr, and Clemens Bechinger
16:00 |
CPP 22.4 |
Molecular Electronics using Gel-Emulsions — •Shashi Thutupalli, Venkatachalam Chokkalingam, Marcel Mayor, Stephan Herminghaus, and Ralf Seemann
16:00 |
CPP 22.5 |
Topology transitions of monodisperse emulsions in microchannels — •Enkhtuul Surenjav, Martin Brinkmann, Craig Priest, Stephan Herminghaus, and Ralf Seemann
16:00 |
CPP 22.6 |
Separation of Model Emulsions on Chemically Patterned Surfaces: Confinement, Hysteresis & Droplet Coalescence — •Pagra Truman, Petra Uhlmann, and Manfred Stamm
16:00 |
CPP 22.7 |
Two-dimensional gas-liquid two-phase flow in a microfluidic device — •Yasutaka Iwashita, Ralf Seemann, Christian Bahr, and Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
CPP 22.8 |
Recirculation flows and friction in confined gel emulsions — •Audrey Steinberger, Shashi Thutupalli, Ralf Seemann, and Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
CPP 22.9 |
Thin dewetting polymer films: Fingering and the effect of interfaces — •Ludovic Marquant, Frank Müller, Julia Mainka, Oliver Bäumchen, and Karin Jacobs
16:00 |
CPP 22.10 |
Probing slippage of thin polymer films on smooth hydrophobic surfaces — •Oliver Bäumchen, Renate Fetzer, and Karin Jacobs
16:00 |
CPP 22.11 |
Lattice Boltzman and DPD Electrohydrodyamics simulations — Jens Smiatek, Friederike Schmid, •Marcello Sega, and Christian Holm
16:00 |
CPP 22.12 |
Water structure and slippage at hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces — •Christian Sendner, Jiri Janecek, and Roland Netz
16:00 |
CPP 22.13 |
Quasistationary dynamics of droplets on chemically structured substrates — Fabian Dörfler, •Markus Rauscher, and Siegfried Dietrich
16:00 |
CPP 22.14 |
Optical diffraction reveals microscopic properties of the superhydrophobic state. — •Helmut Rathgen and Frieder Mugele
16:00 |
CPP 22.15 |
Single Molecule Diffusion on Chemically patterned Substrates — •Martin Pumpa and Frank Cichos
16:00 |
CPP 22.16 |
Colloids dragged through a polymer solution — •Christof Gutsche, Friedrich Kremer, Matthias Krüger, Markus Rauscher, Rudolf Weeber, and Jens Harting
16:00 |
CPP 22.17 |
On particle based velocimetry: Brownian particle near walls — •Laura Almenar and Markus Rauscher
16:00 |
CPP 22.18 |
Thermal fluctuation of single DNA-molecules and their dynamic in shear flow — Katrin Günther, •Kristin Laube, and Michael Mertig
16:00 |
CPP 22.19 |
Native UV laser induced fluorescence detection for single cell analysis in a hybrid PDMS-Quartz microfluidic chip — •Dominik Greif, Alexandra Ros, and Dario Anselmetti
16:00 |
CPP 22.20 |
Dynamics of nano-droplets on structured surfaces — •Ali Moosavi, Markus Rauscher, and Siegfried Dietrich
16:00 |
CPP 22.21 |
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of non ideal fluids — •Bin Wu, Fathollah Varnik, and Dierk Raabe
16:00 |
CPP 22.22 |
Thermally Excited Capillary Waves on n-Alkanes: Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Studies — •Matthias Wolff and Patrick Huber
16:00 |
CPP 22.23 |
Capillary Rise and Flow of Complex Liquids in Nanopores — •Simon Grüner and Patrick Huber
16:00 |
CPP 22.24 |
Surface scattering characterization of the fluid/substrate interface in a fluidic experiment — •J.-F. Moulin and P. Mueller-Buschbaum