Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 3: Liquid Crystals and Polar Fluids
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 10:00–12:30, C 264
10:00 |
CPP 3.1 |
Controlling Size and Arrangement of Smectic Focal Conic Domains — Wei Guo, Yasutaka Iwashita, Stephan Herminghaus, and •Christian Bahr
10:15 |
CPP 3.2 |
Dielectric relaxation behavior of nematic liquid crystals dispersed in a ferroelectric polymer — •Lakshmi Meena Ganesan, Axel Mellinger, Peter Frübing, Werner Werges, and Reimund Gerhard
10:30 |
CPP 3.3 |
Charge transport in discotic liquid crystals: effect of temperature and mesophase symmetry — •Denis Andrienko, Valentina Marcon, James Kirkpatrick, Jenny Nelson, and Kurt Kremer
10:45 |
CPP 3.4 |
AFM Study of Surface-Induced Ordering in Liquid Crystals: Impurity Enhanced Ordering — •Doris Vollmer, Li-Juan Zhang, Michael Kappl, and Günter K. Auernhammer
11:00 |
11:15 |
CPP 3.5 |
Gas-Liquid Phase Behavior of Dipolar Fluids — •Jörg Bartke and Reinhard Hentschke
11:30 |
CPP 3.6 |
A new approach to the quantitative prediction of phase behaviour of quadrupolar fluids — •Bortolo M. Mognetti, Leonid Yelash, Peter Virnau, Wolfgang Paul, Kurt Binder, Marcus Mueller, and Luis G. MacDowell
11:45 |
CPP 3.7 |
Disappearance of ferromagnetic ordering in nanoconfined dipolar fluids — •Sabine H.L. Klapp and R. Andreea Trasca
12:00 |
CPP 3.8 |
Field–controlled layer formation in dipolar nanofilms — •Jelena Jordanovic and Sabine H. L. Klapp
12:15 |
CPP 3.9 |
The impact of substrate-induced molecular orientation on dimerization in nanoreactors — •Randy Mathes and Martin Schoen