Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
CPP 33: Molecular Structure
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 15:00–16:45, C 230
15:00 |
CPP 33.1 |
The structure of liquids studied by soft x-ray emission (XES) and absorption (XAS) spectroscopy — •M. Blum, O. Fuchs, M. Weigand, F. Maier, E. Umbach, L. Weinhardt, M. Bär, C. Heske, M. Zharnikov, Y. Zubavichus, M. Grunze, and J.D. Denlinger
15:15 |
CPP 33.2 |
Dipole switching in extended molecular systems: Explicitly time-dependent configuration interaction simulations — •Tillmann Klamroth and Pascal Krause
15:30 |
CPP 33.3 |
"Phase"-Transitions in Amorphous Water — •Katrin Winkel, Michael S. Elsaesser, Erwin Mayer, and Thomas Loerting
15:45 |
CPP 33.4 |
Effect of compression rate on re-crystallization of hexagonal ice — •Marion Bauer, Erwin Mayer, and Thomas Loerting
16:00 |
CPP 33.5 |
Mixed Quantum-Classical Simulations of Optical Spectra: Pheophorbide-a Butanediamine Dendrimers in Ethanol — •Hui Zhu, Volkhard May, Steffen Hackbarth, and Beate Röder
16:15 |
CPP 33.6 |
Exact Born-Oppenheimer decomposition of the many-body wavefunction for the complete system of electrons and nuclei — •ali abedi, neepa t.maitra, and e.k.u gross
16:30 |
CPP 33.7 |
Exact and approximate forces in the diffusion Monte Carlo method — •A. Badinski and R. J. Needs