17:00 |
CPP 34.1 |
About the Generalized Cauchy Relation in Non-Equilibrium Amorphous Materials — •Martine Philipp, Christelle Vergnat, Ulrich Müller, Ravi Bactavatchalou, Wulff Possart, Roland Sanctuary, Jörg Baller, Bartosz Zielinski, Patrick Alnot, and Jan Krüger
17:00 |
CPP 34.2 |
cellular polyethylene-naphthalate piezo- and ferroelectrets: foaming in supercritical carbon dioxide, structure improvement through inflation and stretching — •peng fang, werner wirges, reimund gerhard, and larissa zirkel
17:00 |
CPP 34.3 |
Röntgenabsorptionsmessungen an freien Aminosäure-Nanopartikeln — •René Lewinski, Christina Graf, Burkhard Langer, Bernhard Wassermann, Harald Bresch, Roman Flesch und Eckart Rühl
17:00 |
CPP 34.4 |
Structure formation upon sputtering of iron in diblock copolymer film with and without maghemite nanoparticles - an in-situ GISAXS study — •Mottakin M. Abul Kashem, Gunar Kaune, Alexander Diethert, Weinan Wang, Kai Schlage, Sebastian Couet, Ralf Röhlsberger, Stephan V. Roth, and Peter Müller-Buschbaum
17:00 |
CPP 34.5 |
Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) as thermo responsive coating on Microcantilever Sensors — •Sebastian K. Nett, Calvin Bradley, Mine Memesa, Yajun Cheng, Sebastian Lenz, Rüdiger Berger, and Jochen S. Gutmann
17:00 |
CPP 34.6 |
About the importance of thermodynamic properties for the understanding of nanoparticle-matrix interaction — •Bartosz Zielinski, Jörg Baller, Martine Philipp, Ravi Bactavatchalou, Ulrich Müller, Jan Krüger, Wulff Possart, and Roland Sanctuary
17:00 |
CPP 34.7 |
Self-assembly of liquid crystals induced by chemically patterned substrates — •Manuel Greschek and Martin Schoen
17:00 |
CPP 34.8 |
Effective single-particle dynamics according to the Hori-type Langevin equation — •Jörg R. Silbermann, Sabine H. L. Klapp, and Martin Schoen
17:00 |
CPP 34.9 |
Dipolar ordering between three and two dimensions — •R. Andreea Trasca and Sabine H.L. Klapp
17:00 |
CPP 34.10 |
Surface-pattern recognition by molecular fluids — •Timo Poppmann and Martin Schoen
17:00 |
CPP 34.11 |
Multimode analysis of Ni-, Pd-, and Pt- phthalocyanines — •Davoud Pouladsaz, Thiruvancheril Gopakumar, Michael Hietschold, and Michael Schreiber
17:00 |
CPP 34.12 |
Structure and thermodynamics of concentrated electrolyte solutions — •Immanuel Kalcher and Joachim Dzubiella
17:00 |
CPP 34.13 |
Influence of the nanoscale lamellar orientation of UHMW-PE surfaces on the protein adsorption — •Thomas Keller, Matthias Grosch, Erik Vater, David Trimbach, and Klaus D. Jandt
17:00 |
CPP 34.14 |
Direct observation of phonon decay in two-dimensional colloidal crystals — •Julian Dietrich, Jörg Baumgartl, Hans-Hennig von Grünberg, and Clemens Bechinger
17:00 |
CPP 34.15 |
Light-Induced Surface Relief Gratings on Novel Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Glasses Containing Azobenzene Side Groups — •Hubert Audorff, Lothar Kador, Roland Walker, and Hans-Werner Schmidt
17:00 |
CPP 34.16 |
Temperature dependent optical spectroscopy of rubrene single crystals — •Olga Krylova, Jens Pflaum, Rainer Stöhr, Linus Gisslen, Reinhard Scholz, and Moritz Sokolowski
17:00 |
CPP 34.17 |
Light-induced modifications of the molecular switch 3-(4-(4-Hexylphenylazo)phenoxy)propan-1-thiol adsorbed on Au(111) studied by two photon photoemission — •Nils Heinemann, Oleksiy Andreyev, Ulrich Jung, Claudia Bornholdt, Olaf Magnussen, Rainer Herges, and Michael Bauer
17:00 |
CPP 34.18 |
MD Simulations of Sheared Polymer Brushes with Explicit Solvent — •Andre Galuschko, Torsten Kreer, Joachim Wittmer, and Joerg Baschnagel
17:00 |
CPP 34.19 |
Force Studies on Responsive Polymeric Brush Surfaces — •Mukesh Kumar Vyas, Konrad Schneider, Bhanu Nandan, and Manfred Stamm
17:00 |
CPP 34.20 |
Self-rolled Polymer Microtubes and Toroidal Microcavities — •Kamlesh Kumar, Valeriy Luchnikov, and Manfred Stamm
17:00 |
CPP 34.21 |
Identification of dissipative and elastic contributions in force spectroscopy curves and tapping mode AFM images for polymeric model surfaces — •Klaus Schröter, Albrecht Petzold, Thomas Henze, and Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
17:00 |
CPP 34.22 |
Side chain dynamics and crystallization in nanophase-separated regio-random poly(3-alkyl thiophenes) — •Shireesh Pankaj, Elke Hempel, and Mario Beiner
17:00 |
CPP 34.23 |
Optical Properties of Ink-Jet-Printable PPE-PPV/ Semiconductor Nanocrystal Hybrid Materials — •Thomas Blaudeck, Stephan Jahn, Daniel A. M. Egbe, Reinhard Baumann, and Christian von Borczyskowski
17:00 |
CPP 34.24 |
Static and dynamic properties of tethered chains in different surface regimes. Monte Carlo studies. — •Radu Descas, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Alexander Blumen
17:00 |
CPP 34.25 |
Hyperquenching in linear polyethylene and ultrafast calorimetry at heating and cooling rates up to 2 millions K/s — •Alexander Minakov and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.26 |
Thermo-optical and thermo-mechanical properties of smectic liquid-crystal — •Jörg Petzold, Tilo Finger, Ralf Stannarius, Patrick Beyer, and Rudolf Zentel
17:00 |
CPP 34.27 |
Observation and visualization of block copolymer microdomain dynamics — •Eike-Christian Spitzner, Christian Riesch, Christian Dietz, Nicolaus Rehse, and Robert Magerle
17:00 |
CPP 34.28 |
Modelling charge transport in polypyrrole — •Victor Rühle, James Kirkpatrick, Kurt Kremer, and Denis Andrienko
17:00 |
CPP 34.29 |
Molecular dynamics of ultrathin supported polysulfone films studied by dielectric spectroscopy — Diana Labahn and •Andreas Schönhals
17:00 |
CPP 34.30 |
Dielectric and Gas transport Properties of Polymeric Nanocomposites based on Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes — Ning Hao, Martin Böhning, and •Andreas Schönhals
17:00 |
CPP 34.31 |
AFM analysis of novel Polypropylenes — •Dirk Doser, Stefan Fischer, Othmar Marti, Tobias Diesner, and Bernhard Rieger
17:00 |
CPP 34.32 |
Micromechanics of thin films of elastomeric polypropyleneses — •Mechthild Franke, Mario Zerson, Mario Jecke, Robert Magerle, and Nicolaus Rehse
17:00 |
CPP 34.33 |
Nanotomography of semicrystalline polypropylene using bimodal atomic force microscopy — •Christian Dietz, Mario Zerson, Christian Riesch, Alexander M. Gigler, Robert W. Stark, Nicolaus Rehse, and Robert Magerle
17:00 |
CPP 34.34 |
Influence of substrate temperature on pulsed laser deposited PMMA films — •Britta Lösekrug, Susanne Seyffarth, Andreas Meschede, and Hans-Ulrich Krebs
17:00 |
CPP 34.35 |
Are there cross-aggregates? In-situ NMR study of the t-butyllithium initiated butadiene polymerization — •Aizhen Niu, J. Allgaier, L. Willner, J. Stellbrink, D. Richter, R. Hartmann, and L. J. Fetters
17:00 |
CPP 34.36 |
Crystallization Kinetics in Nanocomposites of Semicrystalline Polymers — •Andreas Wurm, Alexander Minakov, Dirk Lellinger, Tetyana Skipa, Ingo Alig, Petra Pötschke, and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.37 |
Crosslinkable Polymer Brushes - Synthesis and Characterization — •Sebastian G. J. Emmerling, Andreas Hanewald, and Jochen S. Gutmann
17:00 |
CPP 34.38 |
Characterisation of empty and polymer-filled, cylindrical mesopores using small-angle X-ray scattering — •Martin Engel, Bernd Stühn, Jörg Schneider, Thomas Cornelius, and Meike Naumann
17:00 |
CPP 34.39 |
Immobilized fraction in crystallizable polymer nanocomposites. — •Mohamed Ismail, Andreas Wurm, Bernd Kretzschmar, Doris Pospiech, and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.40 |
Solidification of fast crystallizing polymers studied by differential chip nano-calorimetry — •Evgeny Zhuravlev, Saurabh Garg, Andreas Wurm, and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.41 |
Theoretical study of electron transfer through polyacetylene nanowires in different contact structures — •Davoud Pouladsaz, Saeideh Mohammadzadeh, Thomas Geßner, Michael Schreiber, and Reinhard Streiter
17:00 |
CPP 34.42 |
Dielectric Properties of nanocomposites based on polyethylene and layered double hydroxide — •Andreas Schönhals, Francis Reny Costa, Udo Wagenknecht, and Gert Heinrich
17:00 |
CPP 34.43 |
Microstructure and anisotropic properties of Polyamide 6 films — •Astrid Naumann, Hussein Shanak, Karl-Heinz Ehses, Jan Lion, Walter Goetz, and Rolf Pelster
17:00 |
CPP 34.44 |
Crystallization kinetics of monodisperse n-alkanes at high supercooling — •Sergey Adamovsky and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.45 |
Microphase separation in cross-linked polymer melts — •Abigail Klopper, Carsten Svaneborg, and Ralf Everaers
17:00 |
CPP 34.46 |
Structure and dynamics of coarse grained polystyrene melts — •Dominik Fritz, Vagelis A. Harmandaris, Dirk Reith, Nico F. A. van der Vegt, and Kurt Kremer
17:00 |
CPP 34.47 |
Microdomain Dynamics in Thin Films of Blockcopolymer Melts with Highly Ordered Cylinder Morphology — •Peter Fey, Christian Riesch, Sabine Rehse, Nicolaus Rehse, and Robert Magerle
17:00 |
CPP 34.48 |
Logarithmic chain-exchange kinetics of diblock copolymer micelles — Reidar Lund, Lutz Willner, •Jörg Stellbrink, and Dieter Richter
17:00 |
CPP 34.49 |
Self Assembly of Block Copolymer Micelles — •Michael Ströbl, Gerald Johannes Schneider, Jörg Stellbrink, Jürgen Allgaier, and Dieter Richter
17:00 |
CPP 34.50 |
Multiple-quantum NMR study of entangled polymer melt dynamics — •Fabian Vaca Chavez and Kay Saalwachter
17:00 |
CPP 34.51 |
Polyelectrolyte-Compression Forces between Spherical DNA Brushes — •Kati Kegler, Martin Konieczny, Gustavo Dominguez-Espinosa, Christof Gutsche, Matthias Salomo, Friedrich Kremer, and Christos N. Likos
17:00 |
CPP 34.52 |
Static and dynamic properties of Polyelectrolytes — •Jens Smiatek and Friederike Schmid
17:00 |
CPP 34.53 |
Polypyrrole Nanowires Grown from Polyelectrolyte Single Molecules — •Vera Bocharova, Anton Kiriy, Hartmut Vinzelberg, Ingolf Moench, and Manfred Stamm
17:00 |
CPP 34.54 |
Influence of solvent and counterion on the effective charge and size of polyelectrolytes — •Ute Böhme and Ulrich Scheler
17:00 |
CPP 34.55 |
Phase behavior of polyelectrolyte multilayer investigated by thin film calorimetry — •Heiko Huth, Renate Müller, Andreas Fery, and Christoph Schick
17:00 |
CPP 34.56 |
Forces of interaction between polyacrylic acid brushes as measured by optical tweezers — •Gustavo Dominguez-Espinosa, Alla Synytska, Astrid Drechlser, Christof Gutsche, Friedrich Kremer, Petra Uhlmann, and Manfred Stamm
17:00 |
CPP 34.57 |
Influence of preparation conditions on lateral and vertical surface structure of polyelectrolyte multilayers — •Matthias Cornelsen, Stephan Block, Manesh Gopinadhan, and Christiane A. Helm
17:00 |
CPP 34.58 |
Water incorporation in poylectrolyte multilayers: Hofmeister effect? — •Oxana Ivanova, Olaf Soltwedel, Manesh Gopinadhan, Jens-Uwe Günther, Matthias Cornelsen, Roland Steitz, and Chrstiane A. Helm