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CPP: Fachverband Chemische Physik und Polymerphysik
CPP 6: Electronic+Optical Properties
CPP 6.8: Talk
Monday, February 25, 2008, 16:00–16:15, C 230
Characterization of optical active nanostructures on silicon — •Thomas Baumgärtel, Harald Graaf, and Christian von Borczyskowski — Center of Nanostructured Materials and Analytics, TU Chemnitz, 09107 Chemnitz, Germany
It has been recently demonstrated, that nanostructures can be functionalized in a neat way through selective binding of dye molecules and nanoparticles [1]. Anchoring optically active molecules on nanostructured surfaces is a promising step towards building complex structures with variable properties and functions.
In our contribution we report on the characterization of nanostructures on silicon, that have been optically functionalized by binding of cationic dyes. The structures have been generated by local anodic oxidation of alkyl-terminated silicon via AFM. Due to the oxidation process, these silicon oxide structures are partially negatively charged. The cationic dyes rhodamine 6G and cresyl violet have been attached to the structures via electrostatic interactions and were studied using wide-field and confocal microscopy. A change in luminescence spectra of the dyes on the nanostructures, compared to the dyes in solution has been found. Furthermore, the bleaching behaviour of the dyes bound to the structure has been investigated.
[1] H. Graaf, M. Vieluf, and C. von Borczyskowski, Nanotechnology 18, 265306 (2007)