Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 13: Dielectric and ferroelectric thin films and nanostructures III
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 14:00–17:00, EB 107
14:00 |
DF 13.1 |
Current transport mechanism in metal/HfO2/metal structures — •christian walczyk, thomas schroeder, christian wenger, jaroslaw dabrowski, mindaugas lukosius, sergej pasko, and christoph lohe
14:20 |
DF 13.2 |
Characterisation of thin tantalum oxide films — •Katrin Bruder, Achim Walter Hassel, and Detlef Diesing
14:40 |
DF 13.3 |
Hyperfeinwechselwirkung in dünnen Schichten von HfO2 — •Michael Steffens, Reiner Vianden und Andre Stesmans
15:00 |
DF 13.4 |
Atomic vapour deposition of Sr-Ta-O films for MIM applications — •Mindaugas Lukosius, Christian Wenger, Sergej Pasko, Ioan Costina, Jaroslaw Dabrowski, Roland Sorge, Hans-Joachim Müssig, and Christoph Lohe
15:20 |
DF 13.5 |
Surface preparation of TiN electrodes for subsequent HfO2-based high-k dielectrics deposition. — •Peter Dudek, Grzegorz Lupina, Thomas Schroeder, and Hans-Joachim Muessig
15:40 |
DF 13.6 |
Growth of HfOx thin films by reactive molecular beam epitaxy — •Erwin Hildebrandt, Jose Kurian, and Lambert Alff
16:00 |
DF 13.7 |
Investigation of (SrO)x(ZrO2)(1−x) high-k dielectrics deposited by molecular beam deposition — •Matthias Grube, Oliver Bierwagen, Dominik Martin, Lutz Geelhaar, and Henning Riechert
16:20 |
DF 13.8 |
Computer-simulated Fullerene-based dielectric materials: Ways to improve the properties of the generated ultralow-k structures — •Kostyantyn Zagorodniy, Helmut Hermann, and Manfred Taut
16:40 |
DF 13.9 |
Molecular Beam Epitaxy of crystalline oxides on Si for C-MOS and for the monolithic integration of semiconductors on Silicon — •Guillaume Saint-Girons, Clément Merckling, Mario El-Kazzi, Loic Becerra, Philippe Regreny, Gilles Patriarche, ludovic Largeau, Vincent Favre-Nicolin, and Guy Hollinger