Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 14: Electric, electromechanical and optical properties II
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 14:00–17:20, EB 407
14:00 |
DF 14.1 |
Consequences of hopping charge transport for the relaxation of light-induced absorption in oxide crystals — •Christoph Merschjann, Bettina Schoke, and Mirco Imlau
14:20 |
DF 14.2 |
Absorption of ultra-short laser pulses in dielectrics — •Stefan Linden and Bärbel Rethfeld
14:40 |
DF 14.3 |
Light-induced absorption in electrooptic PLZT ceramics — •Torsten Granzow, Silke Schaab, Dominik Schaniel, and Theo Woike
15:00 |
DF 14.4 |
Space-charge waves of the low-frequency branch with a linear dispersion law — •Michaela Lemmer, Mirco Imlau, Manfred Wöhlecke, Mikhail P Petrov, and Konstantin Shcherbin
15:20 |
DF 14.5 |
Untersuchung des photorefraktiven Effekts in Lithiumniobat-Kristallen mit Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen* — •Dominik Maxein, Stephan Kratz, Daniel Haertle und Karsten Buse
15:40 |
DF 14.6 |
Polungsverhalten und Brechungsindex in magnesiumdotiertem Lithiumniobat nach Bestrahlung mit hochenergetischen Ionen — •Lena Jentjens, Hilke Hattermann, Konrad Peithmann, Matz Haaks, Karl Maier und Michael Kösters
16:00 |
DF 14.7 |
UV-assisted electrical field poling of magnesium-doped lithium niobate crystals* — •Hendrik Steigerwald, Fabian Luedtke, and Karsten Buse
16:20 |
DF 14.8 |
Self-induced fixing of index gratings in LiNbO3:Fe using a single laser beam — •Volker Dieckmann, Andreas Selinger, and Mirco Imlau
16:40 |
DF 14.9 |
Optical cleaning of lithium niobate crystals for reduction of optical damage* — •Michael Kösters, Patrick Werheit, Daniel Haertle, Karsten Buse, and Boris Sturman
17:00 |
DF 14.10 |
A model for the thermo-electric oxidization of lithium niobate crystals* — •Stephan Gronenborn, Boris Sturman, Matthias Falk, Daniel Haertle, and Karsten Buse