Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DF 2: Electric, electromechanical and optical properties I
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 10:00–13:00, EB 107
10:00 |
DF 2.1 |
Recent Progress in Polymeric LED — •Klaus Meerholz
10:40 |
DF 2.2 |
Molecular hybrids for optical switching — •Andrea Schuy, Theo Woike, and Dominik Schaniel
11:00 |
DF 2.3 |
Hybrid Elastomers with Improved Electromechnical Properities — Torsten Finnberg and •Bernd-Joachim Jungnickel
11:20 |
DF 2.4 |
Time- and frequency-domain polarization imaging on poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) films — •Rosaura Flores Suárez, Axel Mellinger, Werner Wirges, Reimund Gerhard, Cong-Duc Pham, Anca Petre, Laurent Berquez, and Didier Marty-Dessus
11:40 |
DF 2.5 |
Cellular polymer ferroelectrets for generation and detection of air-borne ultrasound — •Petr Bartu, Mario Dansachmüller, Ivan Minev, Ingrid Graz, Nikita Arnold, and Siegfried Bauer
12:00 |
DF 2.6 |
Flexible Touch- and Pressure Sensitive Piezo Elastomer Stretch Sensor for Simple Surface Point Location Detection. — •Reinhard Schwödiauer, Christoph Orthwein, Gerda Buchberger, Ingrid Graz, Petr Bathu, and Siegfried Bauer
12:20 |
DF 2.7 |
Second Harmonic Generation an ungeordneten, porösen Materialien — •Susanne Lisinski, Dominik Schaniel, Lorenz Ratke und Theo Woike
12:40 |
DF 2.8 |
Dynamics of optical degradation on LiB3O5-crystal surfaces during SFG — •Stefan Möller, Änne Andresen, and Mirco Imlau