Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 11: Thin Film Characterisation: Structure Analyse and Composition (XRD, TEM, XPS, SIMS, RBS, ...)
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 09:30–11:30, H 2013
09:30 |
DS 11.1 |
New possibilities in high sensitivity Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS) for probing the outermost atomic layer — •Thomas Grehl, Ewald Niehuis, Rik ter Veen, and Hidde Brongersma
09:45 |
DS 11.2 |
Non-destructive probing of the chemical state of buried TiOx nanolayers — •Beatrix Pollakowski, Burkhard Beckhoff, Stefan Braun, Peter Gawlitza, Falk Reinhardt, and Gerhard Ulm
10:00 |
DS 11.3 |
100% epi-Ge layers on engineered oxide heterostructures on Si — •Peter Rodenbach, Alessandro Giussani, Jose Ignacio Pascual, Dorin Geiger, Hannes Lichte, Peter Storck, and Thomas Schroeder
10:15 |
DS 11.4 |
Lattice engineering of dielectric heterostructures on Si by isomorphic oxide - on - oxide epitaxy — •Andreas Wilke, Olaf Seifarth, Ioan Costina, Rakesh Sohal, Peter Zaumseil, Jose Ignacio Pascual, Peter Storck, and Thomas Schroeder
10:30 |
DS 11.5 |
ToF-SIMS Analysis of thin Al1−xSixOy layers — •Pawel Michalowski, Gert Jaschke, Jens Steinhoff, and Steffen Teichert
10:45 |
DS 11.6 |
X-ray Photoelectron diffraction study of thin epitaxial MnO films — •Christian Langheinrich, Mathias Nagel, Angelika Chassé, and Thomas Chassé
11:00 |
DS 11.7 |
The interplay of PVD growth parameter and nanostructuring of C:V and C:Co nanocomposites — •Markus Berndt, Gintautas Abrasonis, Matthias Krause, Arndt Mücklich, Andreas Kolitsch, and Wolfhard Möller
11:15 |
DS 11.8 |
Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Monolagen von Cobalt-Platin-Nanopartikeln — •Denis Greshnykh, Vesna Aleksandrovic, Igor Randjelovic, Andreas Frömsdorf, Andreas Kornowski, Christian Klinke und Horst Weller