Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 12: Thin Film Characterisation: Structure Analyse and Composition (XRD, TEM, XPS, SIMS, RBS, ...)
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 11:45–13:30, H 2013
11:45 |
DS 12.1 |
Experimental determination of the IMFP of electrons in organic molecular solids — •Tina Graber, Stefan Krause, Achim Schöll, and Friedrich Th. Reinert
12:00 |
DS 12.2 |
Zeitaufgelöste Studien zum Transport von Alkali-Ionen durch dünne Polymerfilme — •Thomas Kolling, Andreas Schlemmer und Karl-Michael Weitzel
12:15 |
DS 12.3 |
Surface sensitive analysis of YBCO thin films — •Tetyana Shapoval, Sebastian Engel, Elke Backen, Dagmar Meier, Marina Gründlich, Ulrike Wolff, Volker Neu, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
12:30 |
DS 12.4 |
Depth Resolved Doppler Broadening Measurement of Layered Al-Sn-Samples — •Philip Pikart, Martin Stadlbauer, Klaus Schreckenbach, and Christoph Hugenschmidt
12:45 |
DS 12.5 |
Growth of ultrathin Ni-Al alloyed layers on Ni(111): evidence for NiAl formation over a critical thickness of Ni3Al — •Séverine Le Moal, Didier Schmaus, and Camille Cohen
13:00 |
DS 12.6 |
Texture analysis on CrSi2: Combining statistical and microscopical information — •Herbert Schletter, Steffen Schulze, Michael Hietschold, Koen De Keyser, Christophe Detavernier, Gunter Beddies, and Meiken Falke
13:15 |
DS 12.7 |
Thermal Stability of Cs Fullerides — •Daniel Löffler, Patrick Weis, Sharali Malik, Artur Böttcher, and Manfred Kappes