Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 13: Optical Layers: Basic Research and Applications
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 09:30–11:30, H 2032
09:30 |
DS 13.1 |
Film Production Technologies — •Hans K. Pulker
10:15 |
DS 13.2 |
Innovative stationary and in-line sputter technologies for precision optical coatings — •Peter Frach, Hagen Bartzsch, Joern-Steffen Liebig, Joern Weber, and Volker Kirchhoff
10:45 |
DS 13.3 |
Novel Process Concepts for Ion Beam Sputtering Deposition — •Kai Starke, Henrik Ehlers, Marc Lappschies, Nils Beermann, and Detlev Ristau
11:15 |
DS 13.4 |
Reproduction of natural structural colours in thin film coatings — •Mathias Kolle, Heather Whitney, Ulrich Wiesner, and Ullrich Steiner