Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 15: Functional Oxides
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 14:30–16:30, H 2032
14:30 |
DS 15.1 |
The truth about ferromagnetic ZnO — •Kay Potzger, Shengqiang Zhou, Georg Talut, Karsten Kuepper, Helfried Reuther, Arndt Mücklich, Jörg Grenzer, Manfred Helm, Jürgen Fassbender, Heidemarie Schmidt, Quingyu Xu, and Michael Lorenz
15:00 |
DS 15.2 |
ZnO-based Hetero- and Quantum Well Structures for Light-Emitting Applications — •Fritz Henneberger and Sergey Sadofev
15:30 |
DS 15.3 |
Large Area Deposition of Transparent Conductive Oxide Films — •Bernd Szyszka, Volker Sittinger, Andreas Pflug, Stephan Ulrich, and Felix Horstmann
16:00 |
DS 15.4 |
Effect of isothermal annealing on electrical and optical properties of Al-doped ZnO films — •Mykola Vinnichenko, Anatoly Rogozin, Natalia Shevchenko, Andreas Kolitsch, and Wolfhardt Möller
16:15 |
DS 15.5 |
Laser-assisted deposition and element analysis of nano-composite oxide thin films — •Johannes Pedarnig, Johannes Heitz, Thomas Stehrer, Bernhard Praher, Richard Viskup, Khurram Siraj, Andreas Moser, Angela Vlad, Marius Bodea, Dieter Bäuerle, N. Hari Babu, and David Cardwell