09:30 |
DS 17.1 |
Assembly of the Göttingen Proton Microbeam — •Jonas Hartwig, Holger Schebela, Gerhard Faubel, Michael Uhrmacher, and Hans Hofsäss
09:30 |
DS 17.2 |
Relaxation effects in NiMnSb-Half-Heusler thin films — •A. Stahl, C. Kumpf, and E. Umbach
09:30 |
DS 17.3 |
Electron Microscopic Examinations of Nickel Silicides — Meiken Falke, •Thomas Schaarschmidt, Maureen MacKenzie, Gunter Beddies, Steffen Schulze, and Michael Hietschold
09:30 |
DS 17.4 |
Investigation of the system C60/ITO by X-ray absorption and resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy — •Karl Heinz Hallmeier, Daniel Wett, Reinhard Denecke, Iver Lauermann, Konstantinos Fostiropoulos, and Boyan Johnev
09:30 |
DS 17.5 |
Zur Bildung von Ni-Hydriden in reaktiven Plasmen — •Marion Quaas, Harm Wulff, Oxana Ivanova und Christiane A. Helm
09:30 |
DS 17.6 |
Quantification of Impurities in ZnO — Niklas Volbers, •Andreas Laufer, Bruno K. Meyer, and Kay Potzger
09:30 |
DS 17.7 |
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Prussian Blue analogues thin films — •Sébastien Bonhommeau, Niko Pontius, Hermann A. Dürr, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
09:30 |
DS 17.8 |
The QQDS magnetic spectrometer "Little John" for High Resolution Depth Profiling — •Marcel Kosmata, Rainer Grötzschel, Daniel Hanf, Chavkat Akhmadaliev, Axel Weise, and Maik Vieluf
09:30 |
DS 17.9 |
Characterization and elemental analysis of nano- and micro-dimensional structures using PIXE and RBS — •Christoph Meinecke, Matthias Brandt, Marius Grundmann, Jürgen Vogt, and Tilman Butz
09:30 |
DS 17.10 |
Spray Pyrolysis as a deposition method for metal-oxide-particles — •Alexandre Santos Abreu, Christian Berthold, Matthias Knoll, Armin Konrad, Reinhard Tidecks, and Siegfried Horn
09:30 |
DS 17.11 |
Investigation of Metal-Oxide Diffusion Barriers in fluorescent lamps using XPS Depth Profiling — •Christian Berthold, Alexandre Santos Abreu, Matthias Knoll, Armin Konrad, Reinhard Tidecks, and Siegfried Horn
09:30 |
DS 17.12 |
High-Resolution Depth Profiling of thin high-k layers by means of HRBS — •Maik Vieluf, Rainer Grötzschel, Christian Neelmeijer, Marcel Kosmata, and Steffen Teichert
09:30 |
DS 17.13 |
Chemical composition of annealed Fe/SrTiO3(001) and FeO/SrTiO3(001) interfaces — •Alexander Demund, Benjamin Heinrich, Rüdiger Szargan, and Reinhard Denecke
09:30 |
DS 17.14 |
Optical and structural analyses of evaporated thin films of Ga2Se3 and In2Se3 for solar cells — •Raik Hesse, Raquel Caballero, Daniel Abou-Ras, Christian A. Kaufmann, Thomas Unold, and Hans-Werner Schock
09:30 |
DS 17.15 |
Microstructure and texture of Nb/SmCo5 bilayers — •Rolf Schaarschuch, Silvia Haindl, Marianne Reibold, Volker Neu, Bernhard Holzapfel, Carl-Georg Oertel, Ludwig Schultz, and Werner Skrotzki
09:30 |
DS 17.16 |
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy on La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 films: a critical view on valencies — •Christoph Raisch, Mathias Nagel, Heiko Peisert, Thomas Chassé, Robert Werner, Dieter Koelle, and Reinhold Kleiner
09:30 |
DS 17.17 |
FT-IR Analyis of supercritical Si1−xCx alloys — •Ina Ostermay, Thorsten Kammler, and Torsten Fahr
09:30 |
DS 17.18 |
Hard X-ray Photoemission Investigations on Multilayer Coatings for X-ray Optical Devices — •Mihaela Gorgoi, Franz Schäfers, Christine Borel, and Walter Braun
09:30 |
DS 17.19 |
Si nanocrystals in amorphous silica: atomistic models of the interface — •Flyura Djurabekova and Kai Nordlund
09:30 |
DS 17.20 |
Ion-beam assisted deposition of textured transition metal nitride films — •Martin Kidszun, Ruben Hühne, Konrad Güth, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
09:30 |
DS 17.21 |
Low-energy ion beam smoothing of Si surfaces — •Frank Frost, Bashkim Ziberi, and Bernd Rauschenbach
09:30 |
DS 17.22 |
Carbon-Metal-Nanocomposites: Self-organization of multilayers during the co-deposition of energetic ions — •Hayo Zutz, Dominika Lyzwa, Inga Gerhards, Carsten Ronning, Michael Seibt, and Hans Hofsäss
09:30 |
DS 17.23 |
Formation and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7−x / Y2Ba4CuMOy (M=Zr,Nb) quasi-multilayers prepared by off-axis PLD — •Elke Backen, Ruben Hühne, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernhard Holzapfel
09:30 |
DS 17.24 |
Microstructure and self-organization of nano-engineered artificial pinning centers in YBa2Cu3O7−δ coated conductors — •Thomas Thersleff, Elke Backen, Sebastian Engel, Bernd Rellinghaus, Ludwig Schultz, and Bernhard Holzapfel
09:30 |
DS 17.25 |
Switchable electro-optical properties of polymer/metal nanocomposites containing chromophores — •Christian Hanisch, Christina Pakula, Claudia Bornholdt, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, Rainer Herges, Thomas Strunskus, and Franz Faupel
09:30 |
DS 17.26 |
Nano-hole filling with Iron oxides by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) — Christian Pfahler, •Marc Saitner, Alfred Plettl, Paul Ziemann, Johannes Bikupek, Jens Leschner, Ute Kaiser, Julien Bachmann, Yuen Tung Chong, and Kornelius Nielsch
09:30 |
DS 17.27 |
Eigenschaften von Sol-Gel-Aluminiumoxidschichten mit inkorporierten Wolframdisulfid-Nanopartikeln — •Hilke Hattermann, Michael Griepentrog, Marko Szuggars und Thomas Hübert
09:30 |
DS 17.28 |
Controlling the formation of Nanoparticles for definite growth of Carbon Nanotubes — •Sascha Hermann, Stefan Schulz, and Thomas Gessner
09:30 |
DS 17.29 |
Strong Er luminescence at 1533 nm in rapid thermal annealed Si-rich SiO2 layers co-implanted with Er — •Aloke Kanjilal, Lars Rebohle, Matthias Voelskow, Wolfgang Skorupa, and Manfred Helm
09:30 |
DS 17.30 |
Nanostrukturierte Goldfilme als breitbandige Terahertz-Antireflexschicht — •Andreas Thoman, Andreas Kern, Hanspeter Helm und Markus Walther
09:30 |
DS 17.31 |
Sputter deposition of CuS1−x Ox thin films using ceramic targets — •Swen Graubner, Angelika Polity, Detlef Hofmann, and Bruno K. Meyer
09:30 |
DS 17.32 |
The influence of electric fields on the time-resolved luminescence of hybrid organic-inorganic structures — •jȩdrzej szmytkowski, jonas conradt, peter marek, teodor silviu balaban, and heinz kalt
09:30 |
DS 17.33 |
Thickness-dependency of electroreflectance spectra at titanium oxide films — •Andreas M. Zoll and Roger Thull
09:30 |
DS 17.34 |
Subgridding in the FDTD method for simulating the interaction of terahertz radiation with metal — •Andreas Kern, Hanspeter Helm, and Markus Walther
09:30 |
DS 17.35 |
INFRARED ELLIPSOMETRY STUDY OF LaNiO3/LaAlO3 SUPERLATTICES — •Y. Matiks, A.V. Boris, P. Popovich, H.-J. Kim, G. Cristiani, H.-U. Habermeier, and B. Keimer
09:30 |
DS 17.36 |
Charge transient spectroscopy (QTS) on organic semiconductors and thin films — •Markus Arnold, Axel Fechner, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 17.37 |
Kogesputterte Materialien - Einflüsse der Zusammensetzung auf verschiedene Eigenschaften unter Berücksichtigung optischer Funktionalität. — •Christina Polenzky
09:30 |
DS 17.38 |
Electromigration in Silver Nanowires — •Christian Wirtz, Niemma Buckanie, Frank-Joachim Meyer zu Heringdorf, and Günter Dumpich
09:30 |
DS 17.39 |
Threshold switching in as deposited phase change materials — •Christoph Classen, Michael Woda, and Matthias Wuttig
09:30 |
DS 17.40 |
Growth of metallic layers on single crystal diamond investigated by infrared spectroscopy — •Sebastian Noebel, Robert Lovrincic, and Annemarie Pucci
09:30 |
DS 17.41 |
Laser deposition of niobium as a refractory metal — •Christian Pansow, Markus Trautmann, Matthias Büenfeld, Veit Große, Frank Schmidl, and Paul Seidel
09:30 |
DS 17.42 |
Morphology of ion-beam eroded Si surface: Sputtering at near normal and glancing incident angles — •Kun Zhang, Hans Hofsäss, Frank Rotter, Klaus Jesiek, Michael Uhrmacher, Carsten Ronning, and Johann Krauser
09:30 |
DS 17.43 |
Modifizierung von Silizium-Oberflächen zur molekularen Erkennung von Peptiden und Proteinen — •Steffen Kröning, Karsten Hinrichs, Dana Rosu, Norbert Esser, Jörg Rappich und Rudolf Volkmer
09:30 |
DS 17.44 |
Influence of the process parameters on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 thin films deposited by metal plasma immersion ion implantation — •D. Manova, F. Haberkorn, A. Gjevori, J.W. Gerlach, W. Assmann, and S. Mändl
09:30 |
DS 17.45 |
Structural evolution during direct pulsed laser interference patterning — •Stephen Riedel, Matthias Hagner, Paul Leiderer, and Johannes Boneberg
09:30 |
DS 17.46 |
Pulsed laser deposited La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 thin films: Dependence of properties on growth parameters — •Robert Werner, Victor Leca, Christoph Back, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
09:30 |
DS 17.47 |
Magnetic properties and exchange bias effects in nanocluster assembled films of equiatomic Fe-X (X=Pd, Pt, and Au) synthesized by inert gas phase condensation — Chandrahas Bansal, •Ajay Kumar Mishra, and Horst Hahn
09:30 |
DS 17.48 |
Soft Magnetic nanocomposite films for high frequency applications — •Amit Kulkarni, Henry Greve, Andreas Gerber, Ulrich Schürmann, Vladimir Zaporojtchenko, Eckhard Quandt, and Franz Faupel
09:30 |
DS 17.49 |
Reactive deposition of SnO2:Sb thin films utilizing HPPMS: Correlation between film properties and process parameters — •Janika Boltz, Dominik Köhl, and Matthias Wuttig
09:30 |
DS 17.50 |
Atomic layer deposition of silicon dioxide with sub nm-precision — •Robert Zierold, Julien Bachmann, Yuen Tung Chong, Chris Sturm, Marius Grundmann, Bernd Rheinländer, Ulrich Gösele, and Kornelius Nielsch
09:30 |
DS 17.51 |
Realisation of steady state liquid phase epitaxy for growth of polycrystalline silicon layers on amorphous substrates — •Robert Heimburger, Klaus Böttcher, Thomas Teubner, and Torsten Boeck
09:30 |
DS 17.52 |
Reactive Deposition of TiOx and TiNx Layers in a DC-Magnetron Discharge — •Stefan Wrehde, Marion Quaas, Robert Bogdanowicz, Hartmut Steffen, Harm Wulff, and Rainer Hippler
09:30 |
DS 17.53 |
Production and characterisation of bandwidth- and phase-optimised La/B4C-multilayer-mirrors for the reflection of ultra short XUV-pulses — •Stefan Hendel, Florian Bienert, Maike Laß, Wiebke Hachmann, Marc D. Sacher, and Ulrich Heinzmann
09:30 |
DS 17.54 |
Structure formation in reactively sputtered TiO2 thin films utilizing dcMS and HPPMS deposition techniques — •Azza Amin, Dominik Koehl, and Matthias Wuttig
09:30 |
DS 17.55 |
Preparation of single terminated substrates for oxide superlattices — •Thomas Freudenberg, Ruben Hühne, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
09:30 |
DS 17.56 |
Metall-PrCaMnO-Heterostrukturen: Struktur und remanente Widerstandsänderungen — •Julia Fladerer, Jörg Hoffmann, Peter Moschkau und Christian Jooss
09:30 |
DS 17.57 |
Preparation of thin biaxial strained functional oxides — •Sascha Trommler, Thomas Freudenberg, Ruben Hühne, Bernhard Holzapfel, and Ludwig Schultz
09:30 |
DS 17.58 |
Local variation of dispersion constants of ITO films studied by spectroscopic imaging ellipsometry — •Matthias Vaupel and Mykola Vinnichenko
09:30 |
DS 17.59 |
Electrodeposition of porous ZnO on textile substrates — •Markus Mingebach, Thomas Loewenstein, Yvonne Zimmermann, Andreas Neudeck, and Derck Schlettwein
09:30 |
DS 17.60 |
Study of the formation mechanisms of the polycrystalline thin films of GaSb on non-orienting substrates during forced cooling of saturated solution-melt — •Andrey Sarikov, Yevgen Baganov, and Stanislav Shutov
09:30 |
DS 17.61 |
An in situ GISAX study on the shape anisotropy of sputter grown Ta — •Kai Schlage, Sebastien Couet, Ralf Röhlsberger, Andreas Timmmann, and Stephan Roth
09:30 |
DS 17.62 |
Metal organic chemical vapour deposition of SrRuO3 thin films on SrTiO3 — •Rasuole Dirsyte, Jutta Schwarzkopf, Günter Wagner, and Roberto Fornari
09:30 |
DS 17.63 |
Influence of growth conditions on surface morphology, structural and optical properties of PbSnTe/BaF2/CaF2/Si(100) heteroepitaxial structures — •Dmitriy Ostertak, Alexander Velichko, Vladimir Ilyushin, Marion Friedrich, and Dietrich R.T. Zahn
09:30 |
DS 17.64 |
Measurement of the internal mechanical dissipation in dielectric thin films — •Stefanie Kroker, Christian Schwarz, Daniel Heinert, Ronny Nawrodt, Anja Schroeter, Ralf Neubert, Matthias Thürk, Sandor Nietzsche, Wolfgang Vodel, Andreas Tünnermann, and Paul Seidel
09:30 |
DS 17.65 |
Dielektrische Bragg–Spiegel für Zinkoxid–Mikrokavitäten — •A. Dempewolf, A. Franke, A. Diez, B. Diez, J. Bläsing, T. Hempel, J. Christen und A. Krost