Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 2: Towards Molecular Spintronics
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 11:45–13:45, H 2013
11:45 |
DS 2.1 |
Tunable electron spin resonance spectroscopy of multi-center paramagnetic molecular complexes in strong magnetic fields — •Vladislav Kataev
12:15 |
DS 2.2 |
Coordinated metal centers: Single-molecule magnets and highspin to lowspin switching — •Paul Müller
12:45 |
DS 2.3 |
Substrate-induced magnetic ordering and switching of iron porphyrin molecules — •H. Wende, M. Bernien, J. Luo, C. Weis, N. Ponpandian, J. Kurde, J. Miguel, M. Piantek, X. Xu, Ph. Eckhold, W. Kuch, K. Baberschke, P. Srivastava, P.M. Panchmatia, B. Sanyal, P.M. Oppeneer, and O. Eriksson
13:15 |
DS 2.4 |
Controlling the magnetization direction in molecules via oxidation state — Atodiresei Nicolae, Peter H. Dederichs, Yuriy Mokrousov, Lars Bergqvist, Gustav Bihlmayer, and •Stefan Blügel
13:30 |
DS 2.5 |
A first-principles DFT study of magnetic properties of a series of complexes based on a hexaaza-dithiophenolate ligand — •Claudia Loose, Eliseo Ruiz, Berthold Kersting, and Jens Kortus