Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 28: Trends in Ion Beam Technology: From the Fundamentals to the Application
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 16:15–17:45, H 2013
16:15 |
DS 28.1 |
Epitaxial TiN film deposition at different substrate temperatures using hyperthermal titanium ions — •J. W. Gerlach, A. Wolfsteller, T. Höche, and B. Rauschenbach
16:30 |
DS 28.2 |
Ion beam synthesis of Mn/Sb clusters in silicon — •Michael Steinert, Andreas Undisz, Markus Rettenmayr, and Werner Wesch
16:45 |
DS 28.3 |
Diffusion contrasts of Gold in Silicon induced by ion bombardment — Xiangzun Wang, •Moritz Trautvetter, Andreas Klimmer, and Paul Ziemann
17:00 |
DS 28.4 |
cavity layer introduction in SIMOX technology — •Xin Ou, Reinhard Kögler, Arndt Mücklich, Wolfgang Skorupa, and Wolfhard Möller
17:15 |
DS 28.5 |
Controlled self-organization due to sputtering on Si surfaces by lithographic pre-patterning — •Bashkim Ziberi, Theresa Lutz, Renate Fechner, Dietmar Hirsch, Klaus Zimmer, Frank Frost, and Bernd Rauschenbach
17:30 |
DS 28.6 |
SAXS studies of ion-beam induced nano-sized silver metal clusters in glass — •Ivo Zizak, Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke, and Vasil Koteski