Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 3: Organic Thin Films
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 14:30–16:00, H 2013
14:30 |
DS 3.1 |
Grain-boundary evolution in a pentacene monolayer — •Jian Zhang, Jürgen P. Rabe, and Norbert Koch
14:45 |
DS 3.2 |
In-situ growth studies of the organic semiconductors perfluoro-pentacene, pentacene, and diindenoperylene — •Stefan Kowarik, Alexander Gerlach, Alexander Hinderhofer, Frank Schreiber, Tushar Desai, Sukwon Hong, Aram Amassian, and James R. Engstrom
15:00 |
DS 3.3 |
Mixing and phase-separation in co-deposited films of rod-like conjugated molecules — •Jörn-Oliver Vogel, Ricarda Opitz, Ingo Salzmann, Steffen Duhm, Bert Nickel, Jürgen Rabe, and Norbert Koch
15:15 |
DS 3.4 |
Growth and characterization of thin films prepared from F64Pc, a new class of organic molecular semiconductors — •Christopher Keil, Olga Tsaryova, Sergiu M. Gorun, Dieter Wöhrle, Olaf R. Hild, and Derck Schlettwein
15:30 |
DS 3.5 |
Morphological and electrical characterisation of discotic liquid crystals thin films — •Annalisa Calò, Pablo Stoliar, Massimiliano Cavallini, Yves Henri Geerts, and Fabio Biscarini
15:45 |
DS 3.6 |
Quantitative evaluation of the anisotropy of the optical constants of phthalocyanine thin films — •Michael Fronk, Dietrich R.T. Zahn, and Georgeta Salvan