Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 30: Layer Properties: Electrical, Optical and Mechanical Properties
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 09:30–11:00, H 2032
09:30 |
DS 30.1 |
Spectral ellipsometry of embedded VO2 nanoclusters in SiO2 during the semiconductor-metal transition — Helmut Karl, •Anne-Kathrin Jambreck, and Bernd Stritzker
09:45 |
DS 30.2 |
Stress-engineering and optical properties of SiO2 and TiO2 thin films grown by dual ion beam deposition — •Carsten Bundesmann, Inga-Maria Eichentopf, Stephan Mändl, and Horst Neumann
10:00 |
DS 30.3 |
Charge transport in nanoparticulate Zinc Oxide layers — •Simon Bubel, Donna Nikolova, Koshi Okamura, Norman Mechau, Roland Schmechel, and Horst Hahn
10:15 |
DS 30.4 |
Simulations on Grazing-Incidence Reflectometry in the XUV for Thin Film Structures — •Matus Banyay and Larissa Juschkin
10:30 |
DS 30.5 |
Co-deposition of energetic carbon and Copper ions: Self-organization of multilayers — •Hayo Zutz, Dominika Lyzwa, Inga Gerhards, Carsten Ronning, Michael Seibt, and Hans Hofsäss
10:45 |
DS 30.6 |
Determination of yield stress and elastic modulus under complete consideration of substrate influence demonstrated on a-C:H films — •Matthias Herrmann, Maksim Karniychuk, Siegfried Peter, and Frank Richter