Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DS 5: Organic Thin Films
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 17:45–19:15, H 2013
17:45 |
DS 5.1 |
Functionalization of (0001) 6H-SiC with organic silanes — •Sebastian Schoell, Marco Hoeb, Ian Sharp, Martin Stutzmann, Martin Eickhoff, and Martin S. Brandt
18:00 |
DS 5.2 |
Electronic properties of self-assembled organic monolayers on Ge surfaces — •Ian Sharp, Sebastian Schoell, Marco Hoeb, Martin S. Brandt, and Martin Stutzmann
18:15 |
DS 5.3 |
Anisotropic optical function of diindenoperylene thin films determined by ellipsometry — •Ute Heinemeyer, Reinhard Scholz, Linus Gisslen, M. Isabel Alonso, J. Oriol Ossó, Miquel Garriga, Alexander Gerlach, and Frank Schreiber
18:30 |
DS 5.4 |
Exciton-phonon coupling in rubrene thin films — •Milan Kytka, Linus Gisslen, Alexander Gerlach, Jaroslav Kováč, Reinhard Scholz, and Frank Schreiber
18:45 |
DS 5.5 |
Reduced intermolecular interaction in organic ultra-thin films of α-NPD: A multi-sample analysis using VUV ellipsometry — •Sukumar Rudra, Cameliu Himcinschi, Sindu John Louis, Marion Friedrich, Christoph Cobet, Norbert Esser, and Dietrich r.t. Zahn
19:00 |
DS 5.6 |
Improved understanding of polythiophene photo-oxidation mechanism and the role of PMMA layers as diffusion barriers — •Holger Hintz, Hans Joachim Egelhaaf, Ulf Dettinger, Umut Aygül, Heiko Peisert, and Thomas Chassé