Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 18: Soft matter
Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008, 14:00–16:30, MA 001
14:00 |
DY 18.1 |
Rate Dependence and Role of Disorder in Linearly Sheared Two-Dimensional Foams. — •Martin Van Hecke, Gijs Katgert, and Matthias Moebius
14:30 |
DY 18.2 |
Mesoscale, particle-based simulations of binary mixtures and microemulsions — •Thomas Ihle and Daniel Kroll
14:45 |
DY 18.3 |
Effective Interactions in Like-Charged Colloidal Mixtures and Cluster Formation — •A. V. Anil Kumar and Juergen Horbach
15:00 |
DY 18.4 |
Dynamical Simulations Of Colloids In Optical Tweezers — •Rudolf Weeber and Jens Harting
15:15 |
DY 18.5 |
From soliton staircases to strain density waves: Monte Carlo simulations of surface-induced deformation of soft colloidal crystals — David Yu-Hang Chui, •Surijit Sengupta, and Kurt Binder
15:30 |
DY 18.6 |
Ground-state properties of thick flexible polymers — •Thomas Vogel, Thomas Neuhaus, Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
15:45 |
DY 18.7 |
Conformational transitions of flexible polymers — •Stefan Schnabel, Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 18.8 |
Steric molecular recognition: Selecting Components of Hard Rod Mixtures — •Thomas Gruhn and Andreas Richter
16:15 |
DY 18.9 |
Adaptive molecular resolution via a continuous change of the phase-space dimensionality: Theory and Application — •Luigi Delle Site, Matej Praprotnik, and Kurt Kremer