16:00 |
DY 29.1 |
Constant Pressure Ensemble: Application to Small Systems and Relation to Einstein Fuctuation Theory. — •Bernhard Joachim Mokross
16:00 |
DY 29.2 |
Efficiency at maximum work for quantum thermodynamic machines — •Thomas Jahnke and Günter Mahler
16:00 |
DY 29.3 |
Chaotic and Stochastic Dynamics in Hysteretic Systems — •Sven Schubert and Günter Radons
16:00 |
DY 29.4 |
Thermodynamic Casimir forces of n-component systems in slab geometries with free surfaces: Exact results for n→∞ — •Denis Comtesse, Alfred Hucht, Daniel Grüneberg, and Hans Werner Diehl
16:00 |
DY 29.5 |
Crossover from attractive to repulsive thermodynamic Casimir forces — •Felix Schmidt and Hans Werner Diehl
16:00 |
DY 29.6 |
Techniques accelerating the dynamics of simulations of complex systems — •Frank Beyer, Elmar Bittner, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.7 |
Monte Carlo study of the evaporation/condensation transition of Ising droplets — •Micha Wiedenmann, Andreas Nußbaumer, Elmar Bittner, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.8 |
Thermodynamic Casimir effects at m-axial Lifshitz points — •Matthias Burgsmüller, Daniel Grüneberg, and Hans Werner Diehl
16:00 |
DY 29.9 |
Scaling limit of groundstate dislocation lines in the solid-on-solid model — •Karsten Schwarz and Heiko Rieger
16:00 |
DY 29.10 |
Equilibrium properties of the Wang-Landau algorithm — •Mathias Aust, Elmar Bittner, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.11 |
Diffusion and dissipation in complex quantum systems — •Dominik Samson and Heiko Rieger
16:00 |
DY 29.12 |
Coulomb Gap Revisited — •Arnulf Möbius, Peter Karmann, and Michael Schreiber
16:00 |
DY 29.13 |
Dynamic Analysis of Cup Anemometer Data — •Mathias Hölzer, Michael Hölling, and Joachim Peinke
16:00 |
DY 29.14 |
Wetting on Geometrically Structured Surfaces — •Monica Marinescu, Mykola Tasinkevych, and Siegfried Dietrich
16:00 |
DY 29.15 |
Replica-exchange cluster algorithm — •Elmar Bittner and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.16 |
Path Integrals Without Integrals — •Antun Balaž, Aleksandar Bogojević, Ivana Vidanović, and Axel Pelster
16:00 |
DY 29.17 |
Tackling Master Equations with a Loop Transform — •Stephan Herminghaus, Klaus Roeller, Axel Fingerle, and Jürgen Vollmer
16:00 |
DY 29.18 |
Universal critical behaviour in wet granular matter — Axel Fingerle, Klaus Roeller, Kai Huang, and •Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.19 |
Equation of state of wet granular matter — Axel Fingerle, Klaus Roeller, and •Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.20 |
The concept of correlated density and its application — •Klaus Morawetz, Pavel Lipavsky, Jan Kolacek, Ernst Helmut Brandt, and Michael Schreiber
16:00 |
DY 29.21 |
From hyperbolic regularization to exact hydrodynamics via simple kinetic models — •Matteo Colangeli, Martin Kröger, and Ilya Karlin
16:00 |
DY 29.22 |
Features of Preferential Trapping on Energy Landscapes — •Andreas Fischer, Karl Heinz Hoffmann, and Christian Schön
16:00 |
DY 29.23 |
Long-term correlations in human brain oscillations during sleep — •Fabian Gans, Aicko Schumann, Thomas Penzel, and Jan Kantelhardt
16:00 |
DY 29.24 |
Excitation of coherent oscillations in noisy medium — •Jan Köhler, Jörg Mayer Mayer, and Heinz Georg Schuster
16:00 |
DY 29.25 |
The thalamocortical system: An example for control of synchrony in a biological system — Jörg Mayer, Heinz Georg Schuster, Jens Christian Claussen, •Hong-Viet Ngo, and Matthias Mölle
16:00 |
DY 29.26 |
Conformational mechanics of polymer adsorption transitions at attractive substrates — •Monika Möddel, Michael Bachmann, and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.27 |
Effects of quenched randomness on predator-prey interactions in a stochastic Lotka-Volterra lattice model — •Ulrich Dobramysl and Uwe C. Täuber
16:00 |
DY 29.28 |
Spectra of Husimi cacti: Exact Results and Applications — •mircea galiceanu and alexander blumen
16:00 |
DY 29.29 |
Perturbation propagation in random and non-random Boolean Networks — •Christoph Fretter, Agnes Szejka, and Barbara Drossel
16:00 |
DY 29.30 |
Damage Spreading and Criticality in Finite Random Dynamical Networks — •Thimo Rohlf, Natali Gulbahce, and Christof Teuscher
16:00 |
DY 29.31 |
Self-organization of heterogeneous topology and symmetry breaking in networks with adapative thresholds and rewiring — •Thimo Rohlf
16:00 |
DY 29.32 |
Localization transitions in complex networks — •Lukas Jahnke, Jan Kantelhardt, Richard Berkovitz, and Shlomo Havlin
16:00 |
DY 29.33 |
Desiccation cracks on different substrates: simulation by a spring network model — Supti Sadhukhan, Dibyendu Mal, Sujata Tarafdar, Tapati Dutta, Karl Heinz Hoffmann, and •Janett Prehl
16:00 |
DY 29.34 |
Evolution of Boolean networks under selection for a certain attractor — •Christoph Jan Hamer and Barbara Drossel
16:00 |
DY 29.35 |
Detection of Modules in Boolean Networks — •Matthias Rybarsch und Stefan Bornholdt
16:00 |
DY 29.36 |
Gauge Dependence of the Critical Dynamics at the Superconducting Phase Transition — Maxim Dudka, •Reinhard Folk, and Günter Moser
16:00 |
DY 29.37 |
Liquid interfaces in Ising fluids — •Wolfgang Fenz, Igor Omelyan, Reinhard Folk, and Igor Mryglod
16:00 |
DY 29.38 |
Melting transitions in 2D model colloids in presence of a 1D periodic potential — •Florian Bürzle and Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 29.39 |
Scaling behavior of domain walls at the T=0 ferromagnet to spin-glass transition — •Oliver Melchert and Alexander K. Hartmann
16:00 |
DY 29.40 |
Melting of trapped few particle systems — •Jens Böning, Alexei Filinov, Patrick Ludwig, Henning Baumgartner, Michael Bonitz, and Yurii Lozovik
16:00 |
DY 29.41 |
Interfaces in Three-Dimensional Ising-like Systems — •Michael Köpf and Gernot Münster
16:00 |
DY 29.42 |
Colloids in External Fields and in Micro-Channels — Kerstin Franzrahe, Peter Henseler, and •Peter Nielaba
16:00 |
DY 29.43 |
Anisotropic three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets in a field — •Georg Bannasch and Walter Selke
16:00 |
DY 29.44 |
Quantum Monte Carlo study of the 2D quantum compass model — •Sandro Wenzel and Wolfhard Janke
16:00 |
DY 29.45 |
Segregation Dynamics and Local Order Parameters at Binary Alloy Surfaces — •Sebastian Kapfer, Harald Reichert, and Klaus Mecke
16:00 |
DY 29.46 |
Comparison of phase-field models for surface diffusion — •Clemens Müller-Gugenberger, Robert Spatschek, and Klaus Kassner
16:00 |
DY 29.47 |
Velocity Selection Problem in the Presence of the Triple Junction — efim brener, •claas hueter, denis pilipenko, and dmitri temkin
16:00 |
DY 29.48 |
Thin film growth of binary alloys — •Mario Einax, Wolfgang Dieterich, and Philipp Maass
16:00 |
DY 29.49 |
Controlling surface morphologies by time-delayed feedback — •Michael Block, Michael Wünscher, Eckehard Schöll, and Beate Schmittmann
16:00 |
DY 29.50 |
Dynamic behaviour of granular matter in a circular vibrated conveyor — •Michael Heckel, Christof A. Kruelle, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 29.51 |
Granular Dynamics Of Nonspherical Particles — •Wilhelm August, Ingo Rehberg, and Christof Krülle
16:00 |
DY 29.52 |
Mini-Ripples in fine granular matter — •Simon Fischer, Ingo Rehberg, and Christof Krülle
16:00 |
DY 29.53 |
Sequential random packings of spheres and ellipsoids — •Pedro Lind, Reza Baram, and Hans Herrmann
16:00 |
DY 29.54 |
Granular Robots — •Z. S. Khan, A. Steinberger, M. Scheel, R. Seemann, and S. Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.55 |
Flight paths of vertically fluidized wet granulates — •Z. S. Khan, M. Scheel, M. Di Michiel, R. Seemann, and S. Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.56 |
Mimetic intruders in a two dimensional system of vertically excited granulate — •Jonathan Kollmer, Christof A. Kruelle, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 29.57 |
Fluidization of granulates wetting by liquid Helium — •Kai Huang, Masoud Sohaili, and Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.58 |
Dynamics of gas bubble in vibrofluidized wet granulates — •Kai Huang, Axel Hager-Fingerle, Klaus Roeller, and Stephan Herminghaus
16:00 |
DY 29.59 |
Synthetic microcomputertomography of a laboratory scale sandstone core with authigenic clay — •Bibudhananda Biswal and Rudolf Hilfer
16:00 |
DY 29.60 |
Transport of ferrofluid due to traveling-stripe forcing — •Thomas Friedrich, Christian Gollwitzer, Reinhard Richter, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 29.61 |
Hexagon–Square Transition of the Rosensweig Instability in the presence of a magnetic ramp — •Leonhard Wiesen, Christian Gollwitzer, Reinhard Richter, and Ingo Rehberg
16:00 |
DY 29.62 |
Interactions of colloidal particles with periodically deformed director fields in liquid crystalline free standing films — •Kirsten Harth, Christian Bohley, and Ralf Stannarius
16:00 |
DY 29.63 |
Structure formation in bidisperse ferrofluid monolayers: Theory and Simulations. — •Sofia Kantorovich, Juan Cerda, and Christian Holm
16:00 |
DY 29.64 |
Non-periodic locked phase of a 2D colloidal system in a 1D quasicrystalline potential — •Michael Schmiedeberg and Holger Stark
16:00 |
DY 29.65 |
A novel off-lattice cluster Monte Carlo algorithm for fluid simulation — •Markus Bellion, Ludger Santen, Heiko Rieger, and Werner Krauth
16:00 |
DY 29.66 |
Vibrational excitations in systems with correlated disorder — •Walter Schirmacher, Bernhard Schmid, Constantin Tomaras, Gabriele Viliani, Giacomo Baldi, Giancarlo Ruocco, and Tullio Scopigno
16:00 |
DY 29.67 |
Brillouin spectroscopy of disordered systems — •Andreas Meier-Koll, Johannes Wiedersich, Peter Müller-Buschbaum, and Walter Schirmacher
16:00 |
DY 29.68 |
Coupling effects to describe macroscopic glass-forming systems — •Christian Rehwald and Andreas Heuer
16:00 |
DY 29.69 |
Modelling of susceptibility spectra of glass forming propylen carbonate with a schematic model of mode-coupling theory above and below Tc — •Markus Domschke, Thomas Blochowicz, Thomas Voigtmann, and Bernd Stühn
16:00 |
DY 29.70 |
Lattice Gas Simulation of Liesegang Pattern Formation — •Lukas Jahnke
16:00 |
DY 29.71 |
Nonlinear ion transport and resulting jump pathways in disordered systems — •Lars Lühning and Andreas Heuer
16:00 |
DY 29.72 |
Role of ion-ion interaction for diffusion paths and residence sites in glassy electrolytes — •Egbert Zienicke, Christian Müller, and Philipp Maass