Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 31: Quantum dynamics, decoherence and quantum information
Freitag, 29. Februar 2008, 10:15–13:00, MA 004
10:15 |
DY 31.1 |
Nonexponential decoherence in a quantum Lévy kicked rotator — Henning Schomerus and •Eric Lutz
10:30 |
DY 31.2 |
Survival Probabilities of Coherent Energy Transfer — •Oliver Mülken
10:45 |
DY 31.3 |
Relaxation properties of Quantum Cellular Automata — •Alexander Kettler and Günter Mahler
11:00 |
DY 31.4 |
Emergence of work and heat in the quantum limit — •Heiko Schröder and Günter Mahler
11:15 |
DY 31.5 |
Entanglement evolution after connecting quantum chains — •Viktor Eisler, Ingo Peschel, Dragi Karevski, and Thierry Platini
11:30 |
DY 31.6 |
Dephasing and the steady state in quantum many-particle systems — •Thomas Barthel and Ulrich Schollwöck
11:45 |
DY 31.7 |
Evolution of Correlation Functions in a System of Strongly Correlated Fermions after a Quantum Quench — •Salvatore R. Manmana, Stefan Wessel, Reinhard M. Noack, and Alejandro Muramatsu
12:00 |
DY 31.8 |
Decoherence properties of entangled single nuclear spins and one electron spin at room temperature in diamond — •Philipp Neumann, Torsten Gaebel, Florian Rempp, Christian Zierl, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
12:15 |
DY 31.9 |
Exact dynamics in the central spin model — •Michael Bortz, Christian Schneider, Joachim Stolze, and Robert Stübner
12:30 |
DY 31.10 |
Bypassing the quantum phase transition for the Ising model in a transverse field — •Gernot Schaller
12:45 |
DY 31.11 |
Entanglement entropy in disordered and non-equilibrium systems — •Zoltán Zimborás, Viktor Eisler, Róbert Juhász, and Ferenc Iglói