Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
DY 8: Superfluidity and Bose Einstein Condensation
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 17:00–18:30, MA 001
17:00 |
DY 8.1 |
Systematic Semiclassical Approximations for Harmonically Trapped Ideal Bose Gases — •Ben Klünder, Axel Pelster, and Robert Graham
17:15 |
DY 8.2 |
Phase diagram for interacting Bose gases — •Michael Männel, Klaus Morawetz, and Michael Schreiber
17:30 |
DY 8.3 |
Functional renormalization group analysis of the interacting Bose gas in the symmetry broken phase — •Andreas Sinner, Nils Hasselmann, and Peter Kopietz
17:45 |
DY 8.4 |
Green’s Function Approach to the Bose-Hubbard Model for Finite Temperatures — Henrik Enoksen, •Alexander Hoffmann, Matthias Ohliger, and Axel Pelster
18:00 |
DY 8.5 |
The chemical potential for the inhomogeneous electron liquid in terms of its kinetic and potential parts with special consideration of the surface potential step and BCS-BEC crossover — •Klaus Morawetz, Norman H. March, and Richard H. Squire
18:15 |
DY 8.6 |
Functional renormalization group approach to the Anderson impurity model: partial bosonization in two competing channels — •Jose Juan Ramos Cardenas and Peter Kopietz