14:00 |
HL 43.1 |
Influence of growth parameters on the photoluminescence linewidth of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots — •Lewis Lingys, Aleksandar Gushterov, and Johann-Peter Reithmaier
14:15 |
HL 43.2 |
Optical QD properties as quantitative fingerprints of structural and chemical properties — •Andrei Schliwa, Robert Seguin, Sven Rodt, Momme Winkelnkemper, Dieter Bimberg, Thomas Hammerschmidt, and Peter Kratzer
14:30 |
HL 43.3 |
Ultrafast Spin Dynamics in Colloidal ZnO Quantum Dots — •Nils Janßen, Tobias Hanke, Florian Sotier, Tim Thomay, Kelly Whitaker, Daniel Gamelin, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
14:45 |
HL 43.4 |
Decay dynamics of neutral and charged excitonic complexes in single InAs/GaAs QDs — •Max Feucker, Robert Seguin, Sven Rodt, Konstantin Pötschke, and Dieter Bimberg
15:00 |
HL 43.5 |
Replica of confined acoustic phonons in the photoluminescence of single CdSe/CdS/ZnS core/shell/shell nanocrystals — •Tobias Kipp, Gerwin Chilla, Marija Nikolic, Andreas Frömsdorf, Torben Menke, Andreas Kornowski, Detlef Heitmann, Stephan Förster, and Horst Weller
15:15 |
15 min. break
15:30 |
HL 43.6 |
Ultrafast electro-optical spin control in charged quantum dot molecules — •Jose M. Villas-Boas, Sergio E. Ulloa, Jonathan J. Finley, and Gerhard Abstreiter
15:45 |
HL 43.7 |
Quantum Dot Superluminescent Light Emitting Diodes: Ideal Blackbody radiators? — •Martin Blazek, Wolfgang Elsäßer, Mark Hopkinson, and Michel Krakowski
16:00 |
HL 43.8 |
Measuring the Correlated Photon Emission of Single Semiconductor Quantum Dots Using a Compact Femtosecond Fiber Laser — •Florian Sotier, Matthias Kahl, Tobias Hanke, Tim Thomay, Katja Beha, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, Alexander Frey, Karl Brunner, Alfred Leitenstorfer, and Rudolf Bratschitsch
16:15 |
HL 43.9 |
Time-resolved optical spectroscopy on epitaxially tailored quantum dots in the GaAs/AlGaAs material system — •Johanna Simon, Max Bichler, Jonathan Finley, and Gerhard Abstreiter