10:30 |
MA 16.1 |
Magnetrelaxometrie superparamagnetischer Fe3O4 Nanoteilchen in Streptavidin-Biotin Bindungsassays — •Erik Heim, Amel Charni, Frank Ludwig und Meinhard Schilling
10:45 |
MA 16.2 |
A fluxgate magnetorelaxometry-based measurement technique for the quality control of magnetic core-shell nanoparticles for applications in medicine and bioanalytics — •Frank Ludwig, Erik Heim, and Meinhard Schilling
11:00 |
MA 16.3 |
Untersuchung von Magnetosomen mittels temperaturabhängiger Magnetrelaxometrie — •Markus Büttner, Frank Schmidl, Paul Seidel, Michael Röder, Peter Görnert, Claus Lang und Dirk Schüler
11:15 |
MA 16.4 |
Submicron Tunneling Magnetoresistance Sensors for Detection of Magnetic Nanoparticles — •Camelia Albon, Michael Schilling, Karsten Rott, Günter Reiss, and Andreas Hütten
11:30 |
MA 16.5 |
Ferromagnetic resonance on biogenic and synthetic magnetite nanoparticles — •Jiandong Wei, Knittel Ivo, Ralf Meckenstock, Claus Lang, and Uwe Hartmann
11:45 |
MA 16.6 |
Ferromagnetische Resonanz an oxidfreien FeRh Nanopartikeln — •Anastasia Trunova, Diana Ciuculescu, Catherine Amiens, Jürgen Lindner und Michael Farle
12:00 |
MA 16.7 |
Self-ordering of cobalt nanoparticles on a Si substrate — •Katharina Theis-Bröhl, Maximilian Wolff, Boris P. Toperverg, Inga Ennen, and Andreas Hütten
12:15 |
MA 16.8 |
Coexistence of superparamagnetism and optical activity in NixPt1−x/CdSe hybrid nanoparticles — •Ole Albrecht, Torben Menke, Jan Niehaus, Kirsten Ahrenstorf, Horst Weller, Kornelius Nielsch, and Detlef Görlitz
12:30 |
MA 16.9 |
Magnetic and structural properties of size-selected Fe50Co50-clusters on surfaces — •Furkan Bulut, Wolfgang Rosellen, Joachim Bansmann, Armin Kleibert, Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer, Renate Kerstin Gebhardt, and Mathias Getzlaff
12:45 |
MA 16.10 |
Magnetic anisotropy and Dzyaloshinski-Moriya type coupling in small magnetic clusters — •Sergiy Mankovsky, Sven Bornemann, Jan Minar, and Hubert Ebert