15:15 |
MA 18.1 |
An Optimized Method for the Deposition of Mn12 Single-Molecule Magnets on the Au(111) Surface via a Short Acidic Linker — •Michael Burgert, Sönke Voss, Mikhail Fonin, Ulrich Groth, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:15 |
MA 18.2 |
Raman-spectroscopic investigations of the Keplerates MoyMx (M=V, Cr) — •Dietrich Wulferding, Peter Lemmens, Manash Ghosh, Patric Scheib, Ana Maria Todea, Tamoghna Mitra, and Achim Müller
15:15 |
MA 18.3 |
Probing Magnetic Properties of (Ga,Mn)As by TEM — •Jürgen Gründmayer and Josef Zweck
15:15 |
MA 18.4 |
Iron filled carbon nanotubes as probes for magnetic force microscopy — •Franziska Wolny, Thomas Mühl, Uhland Weißker, Albrecht Leonhardt, and Bernd Büchner
15:15 |
MA 18.5 |
Imaging of electric transport mechanisms in a ferromagnetic Ga0.96Mn0.04As thin film by low-temperature scanning laser microscopy — •Jochen Tomaschko, Stefan Guenon, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Andreas Brandlmaier, Matthias Althammer, Wladimir Schoch, Wolfgang Limmer, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
15:15 |
MA 18.6 |
Time-resolved PEEM measurements on single-crystalline Fe-structures — •Alexander Kaiser, Carsten Wiemann, Stefan Cramm, and Claus M. Schneider
15:15 |
MA 18.7 |
Gated detector for time-resolved photoemission microscopy — •Carsten Wiemann, Alexander Kaiser, Stefan Cramm, and Claus M. Schneider
15:15 |
MA 18.8 |
Magnetic domain imaging of Co/Pt multilayers by soft x-ray holography — •Carsten Tieg, Robert Frömter, Christian Menk, Holger Stillrich, Daniel Stickler, Hans Peter Oepen, Christian Gutt, Olaf Leupold, Simone Streit-Nierobisch, Lorenz-M. Stadler, and Gerhard Grübel
15:15 |
MA 18.9 |
XRMR and ReMagX - New tools to tackle magnetic reflectivity — •Sebastian Brück, Bernd Ludescher, Sebastian Macke, and Eberhard Goering
15:15 |
MA 18.10 |
STM investigation of MBE-grown GaMnAs — •Henning Gutzmann, Andrea Stemmann, Florian Adler, Jens Wiebe, Felix Marczinowski, Christian Heyn, Wolfgang Hansen, and Roland Wiesendanger
15:15 |
MA 18.11 |
Influence of sputtering growth parameters on the conductivity of ion-implanted SnO2:Co thin films — •Ali Awada, Dirk Menzel, Joachim Schoenes, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling
15:15 |
MA 18.12 |
Influence of sputtering growth parameters on the conductivity of ion-implanted SnO2:Co thin films — •Ali Awada, Dirk Menzel, Joachim Schoenes, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling
15:15 |
MA 18.13 |
Investigations of different oxide diluted magnetic semiconductors — •Milan Gacic, Gerhard Jakob, and Hermann Adrian
15:15 |
MA 18.14 |
XMCD study of doped ZnO and Si magnetic semiconductors — •Thomas Tietze, Sebastian Brück, Saroj Dash, Eberhard Goering, Milan Gacic, Gerhard Jakob, Christian Herbort, and Hermann Adrian
15:15 |
MA 18.15 |
Magnetic properties of patterned (Ga,Mn)As films — •Matthias Sperl, Frank Hoffmann, Daniel Neumaier, Ursula Wurstbauer, Florian Götz, Christian H. Back, and Günther Bayreuther
15:15 |
MA 18.16 |
volume dependence of the curie temperatures in diluted magnetic semiconductors — •brahim belhadji, lars bergqvist, silvia picozzi, and peter h. dederichs
15:15 |
MA 18.17 |
Magnetic anisotropy of (100)− and (110)−oriented CrO2 thin films — •Manuel J. Schwarz, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, Rudolf Gross, Arunava Gupta, Christoph Bihler, and Martin S. Brandt
15:15 |
MA 18.18 |
An anisotropic Heisenberg model on the trigonal lattice for modelling multiferroic oxides — •Tim Kunze, Michael Schreiber, Carsten Olbrich, and Sibylle Gemming
15:15 |
MA 18.19 |
Growth and magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe3−xZnxO4 thin films — •Deepak Venkateshvaran, Andrea Boger, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Matthias Opel, M. S. Ramachandra Rao, and Rudolf Gross
15:15 |
MA 18.20 |
Electronic Structure of shandite Co3Sn2S2 — •Matthias Holder, Yuri S. Dedkov, Serguei L. Molodtsov, and Helge Rosner
15:15 |
MA 18.21 |
Soft x-ray resonant magnetic scattering from magnetic multilayers showing a field induced transition from weak to strong ferromagnetic coupling — •Daniel Lengemann, Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, Arno Ehresmann, Feliks Stobiecki, Maciej Urbaniak, Bogdan Szymanski, Janusz Dubowik, Piotr Kuswik, I. Sevklo, and Andrzej Maziewski
15:15 |
MA 18.22 |
Dominant role of thermal magnon excitation in the temperature dependence of interlayer exchange coupling — •Kilian Lenz, Sangita S. Kalarickal, Xiaoying Xu, Klaus Baberschke, and Wolfgang Kuch
15:15 |
MA 18.23 |
Local magnetization study of exchange bias in patterned Co/CoO dots — •Ulrike Wolff, Sarah Suck, Dominic Givord, Jeffrey McCord, Ludwig Schultz, and Volker Neu
15:15 |
MA 18.24 |
Time dependent changes of the exchange bias field in MnIr/CoFe bilayers after ion bombardment with 10keV He ions — •Christoph Schmidt, Tanja Weis, Dieter Engel, Volker Höink, Günter Reiss, and Arno Ehresmann
15:15 |
MA 18.25 |
Positive exchange bias in NiFe/IrMn bilayer — •S. K. MISHRA, F. RADU, H. A. DÜRR, and W. EBERHARDT
15:15 |
MA 18.26 |
Training and temperature effects of epitaxial and polycrystalline Ni80Fe20/Fe50Mn50 exchange biased bilayers — •Marian Fecioru-Morariu, Jerzy Wrona, Cristian Papusoi, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:15 |
MA 18.27 |
Interfacial magnetic domain coupling study in single-cristalline Fe/CoO bilayers — •Jorge Miguel, Radu M. Abrudan, Matthias Bernien, Marten Piantek, Carsten Tieg, Jürgen Kirschner, and Wolfgang Kuch
15:15 |
MA 18.28 |
Magnetic properties of rare earth transition metal borides R2−xNi21B6 (R = Sc, Zr, Lu) and Lu1.65−xRxNi21−yMyB6 (R = Y, Zr; M = Cu) — •Roman Gumeniuk, Walter Schnelle, Helge Rosner, Yuri Prots, Igor Veremchuk, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, and Yuri Grin
15:15 |
MA 18.29 |
Crystal electric field levels in Ho2PdSi3 studied by inelastic neutron scattering in magnetic fields — •Fei Tang, Matthias Frontzek, Michael Loewenhaupt, Astrid Schneidewind, Peter Link, Holger Bitterlich, and Günter Behr
15:15 |
MA 18.30 |
Properties of ternary rare earth REXY compounds with 18 valence electrons — •Frederick Casper and Claudia Felser
15:15 |
MA 18.31 |
Mößbauer spectroscopy of Fe2−xCo1+xSi Heusler alloys — •Verena Jung, Benjamin Balke, Gerhard H. Fecher, and Claudia Felser
15:15 |
MA 18.32 |
Metallurgical Investigations of the Crystal Growth of Co2FeAl1−xSix Heusler Compounds — •Christian G. F. Blum, Benjamin Balke, Sabine Wurmehl, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, and Armin Reller
15:15 |
MA 18.33 |
X-ray Diffraction studies on RFe3(BO3)4 — •Jorge Hamann Borrero, Martin Philipp, Olga Kataeva, Rüdiger Klingeler, Christian Hess, Bernd Büchner, Martin von Zimmermann, Alexander Vasiliev, and Leonard Bezmaternykh
15:15 |
MA 18.34 |
Evolution of the crystal structure of YMn2−xFexO5 due to iron doping and DFT calculations for the x=1 compound — •Torsten Weißbach, Dmitri Souptel, Günter Behr, Thomas Führlich, Falk Wunderlich, Dirk C. Meyer und Sibylle Gemming
15:15 |
MA 18.35 |
Investigation of the electronic structure of LuFe2O4 by means of XPS, XAS, XES and calculations — •Michael Raekers, Christian Taubitz, Karsten Kuepper, Stephen J. Blundell, Dharmalingam Prabhakaran, and Manfred Neumann
15:15 |
MA 18.36 |
Raman study of FeSi under high pressures up to 15 GPa — •Ivan Jursic, Ana Maria Racu, Dirk Menzel, and Joachim Schoenes
15:15 |
MA 18.37 |
Modification of magnetic order in Mn5Si3 and Mn5Ge3 by C ion implantation — •Christoph Sürgers, Niraj Joshi, Richard Montbrun, Hilbert v. Löhneysen, Kay Potzger, and Wolfhard Möller
15:15 |
MA 18.38 |
Local measurement of magnetic anisotropy in (Ga,Mn)As — •Frank Hoffmann, Matthias Sperl, Georg Woltersdorf, Ursula Wurstbauer, and Christian Back
15:15 |
MA 18.39 |
Magnetization measurements of Co-coordinated fullerene-porphyrin dyads under pressure — •Klaus Gieb, Konstantin Pethukov, Jörg Dannhäuser, Andreas Hirsch, and Paul Müller
15:15 |
MA 18.40 |
In-situ photoemission and electron microscopy from ferrofluids and nanoparticles dissolved in ionic liquids. — •Siham Ouardi, Gerhard H. Fecher, Andrei Gloskowskii, Lubna Basit, Claudia Felser, Bert Mallik, and Anja Mudring
15:15 |
MA 18.41 |
Magnetoresistance and magnetization of magnetically ordered proton irradiated graphite — •Jose Barzola-Quiquia, Martin Rothermel, Daniel Spemann, Tilman Butz, Michael Ziese, and Pablo Esquinazi
15:15 |
MA 18.42 |
X-ray and Neutron Scattering on a Ni dot array — •Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner, Dieter Lott, Michael Störmer, and Andreas Schreyer
15:15 |
MA 18.43 |
Magnetic Quantum Dots — •Peter Moraczewski and Daniela Pfannkuche
15:15 |
MA 18.44 |
FMR study of ordered submicronscale permalloy antidot arrays — •Stephan Martens, Kornelius Nielsch, and Detlef Görlitz
15:15 |
MA 18.45 |
Analytic formulae for multipole moments of general ellipsoids, elliptic cylinders and prisms — •Nikolai Mikuszeit, Matthias Schult, Elena Vedmedenko, and Roland Wiesendanger
15:15 |
MA 18.46 |
Preparation of anti-vortex configurations in Permalloy micromagnets — •Christian Dietrich, Christian Back, and Josef Zweck
15:15 |
MA 18.47 |
Hall micromagnetometry of magnetic vortices and single domain walls — •Lena Breitenstein, Peter Lendecke, René Eiselt, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:15 |
MA 18.48 |
Understanding the behaviour of mesoporous Co3O4 using TRM-IRM curves as fingerprints of magnetic systems — •María José Benítez Romero, Oleg Petracic, Yuriy Yanson, Elena Lorena Salabas, Ferdi Schüth, and Hartmut Zabel
15:15 |
MA 18.49 |
XMCD studies of FePt nanocrystals — •Daniela Nolle, Eberhard Goering, Liberato Manna, Albert Figuerola, Thomas Tietze, Sebastian Brück, and Gisela Schütz
15:15 |
MA 18.50 |
Structure and magnetic properties of iron-platinum particles with iron oxide shell. — •Lubna Basit, Ibrahim Shukoor, Vadim Ksenofontov, Wolfgang Tremel, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, Sergei A. Nepijko, Gerd Schönhense, and Michael Klimenkov
15:15 |
MA 18.51 |
Investigations of confined domain walls in nanoscale constrictions — •Jan Rhensius, Dirk Backes, Laura Heyderman, Christian David, Mathias Kläui, Christine Schieback, Peter Nielaba, Friederike Junginger, Henri Ehrke, Ulrich Rüdiger, Takeshi Kasama, and Rafal Dunin-Borkowski
15:15 |
MA 18.52 |
Structural and magnetic properties of thin CoCrPt-SiO2 films and their application to patterned media — •Felix Springer, Christoph Brombacher, Hartmut Rohrmann, Marco Sauer, and Manfred Albrecht
15:15 |
MA 18.53 |
Magneto-optic investigations on the dynamics of the switching behavior of CoFeB TMR structures — •Georg Wolf, Patrizio Candeloro, Patricia Martin Pimentel, Helmut Schultheiss, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:15 |
MA 18.54 |
Magnetic interactions and anisotropies present in ferromagnetic nanotubes of manganites — •Rodolfo D. Sanchez, Javier Curiale, Horacio Troiani, Alejandro Butera, Ana G. Leyva, and Pablo Levy
15:15 |
MA 18.55 |
Preparation and characterisation of Ni and Ni/Ag nanowire arrays in alumina — •Gesa Beck and Kerstin Petrikowski
15:15 |
MA 18.56 |
Growth parameters and transport properties of WC and PdC nanowires prepared in a Dual Beam Microscope — •Detlef Spoddig, Kristian Schindler, Peter Rödiger, Jose Barzola-Quiquia, Holger Motzkau, Katharina Fritsch, Hans Mulders, and Pablo Esquinazi
15:15 |
MA 18.57 |
Remagnetization patterns in 2-d arrays of hard magnetic elements embedded in a soft magnetic matrix — •Sven Schnittger, Jonas Norpoth, Christian Jooss, Sybille Sievers, and Uwe Siegner
15:15 |
MA 18.58 |
Investigation of permalloy nanowire-based NOT gates in the microwave regime using crossed coplanar waveguides — •Andres Conca, Patricia Martin Pimentel, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:15 |
MA 18.59 |
Magnetization reversal in a twodimensional two-phase magnet — •Sibylle Sievers, Sven Schnittger, Sebastian Dreyer, Christian Jooss, Kai-Felix Braun, and Uwe Siegner
15:15 |
MA 18.60 |
Direct laser interference patterning of magnetic thin films — •Sebastian Fischer, Philipp Leufke, Stephen Riedel, Manfred Albrecht, Paul Leiderer, and Johannes Boneberg
15:15 |
MA 18.61 |
Microfluidic Separation System for Magnetic Beads — •Frank Wittbracht, Alexander Weddemann, and Andreas Hütten
15:15 |
MA 18.62 |
Simulation of the magnetization dynamics of ferromagnetic layers on nano-spheres — •Daniel Mutter and Peter Nielaba
15:15 |
MA 18.63 |
Numerical investigation of geometrically confined domain walls and spin torque using the Heisenberg model — •C. Schieback, U. Nowak, M. Kläui, D. Backes, L. J. Heydermann, U. Rüdiger, and P. Nielaba
15:15 |
MA 18.64 |
Thermodynamically Extended Preisach Modeling of Magnetic Properties of Ni-Nanoparticles in Fullerene Films — •Sven Schubert and Günter Radons
15:15 |
MA 18.65 |
Observation of a spin spiral state in the Mn monolayer on W(001) — Kirsten von Bergmann, Paolo Ferriani, Elena Vedmedenko, •André Kubetzka, Stefan Heinze, and Roland Wiesendanger
15:15 |
MA 18.66 |
Spin-dependent surface electronic structure of Gd(0001) near the Fermi-level: An angle-resolved (I)PE study — •Michael Budke, Alexander Wittkowski, Juliet Correa, and Markus Donath
15:15 |
MA 18.67 |
XMCD and Spin-Resolved Photoemission on Ce/Fe Interfaces — •Matthias Holder, Yuri S. Dedkov, Yuri Kucherenko, Mikhail Fonin, Sönke Voss, Alexei Preobrajenski, Serguei L. Molodsov, and Clemens Laubschat
15:15 |
MA 18.68 |
Combined study of topography and electronic structure of Co/Cu(001) — •Tobias Allmers, Michael Budke, and Markus Donath
15:15 |
MA 18.69 |
Exchange interaction between magnetic nanowires on stepped and flat Cu surfaces: ab initio study — •Hossein Hashemi, Pavel A. Ignatiev, Wolfram Hergert, and Valeri S. Stepanyuk
15:15 |
MA 18.70 |
Investigation of higher-order exchange interactions in magnetic nanostructures — •Samir Lounis, Peter H. Dederichs, and Stefan Blügel
15:15 |
MA 18.71 |
Current induced domain wall motion in perpendicularly magnetized wires — •Johannes Kimling, Olivier Boulle, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:15 |
MA 18.72 |
Current-induced domain-wall and vortex motion — •Thomas Kamionka, Michael Martens, Stellan Bohlens, Toru Matsuyama, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:15 |
MA 18.73 |
Experiments and theoretical description of spin precession in lateral all-metall spin valves — •Jeannette Wulfhorst, Andreas Vogel, Alexander van Staa, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:15 |
MA 18.74 |
Interaction of pure diffusive spin currents with magnetic domain walls — •Dennis Ilgaz, Lutz Heyne, Dirk Backes, Stephen Krzyk, Mathias Kläui, Laura J. Heyderman, and Ulrich Rüdiger
15:15 |
MA 18.75 |
Magnetoresistive Effects in Co/Pd Multilayers on Self-assembled Nanospheres — •Judith Moser, Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Vojko Kunej, Martina Suty, Günter Schatz, Elke Scheer, and Manfred Albrecht
15:15 |
MA 18.76 |
Noncollinear magnetic order in transition-metal nanowires — •Michael Czerner, Bogdan Yu. Yavorsky, Laszlo Szunyogh, and Ingrid Mertig
15:15 |
MA 18.77 |
Magnetotransport measurements on epitaxial Fe nanostructures — •Markus Wahle, Björn Wilke, Saskia F. Fischer, Ulrich Kunze, Ellen Schuster, Werner Keune, Dirk Sprungmann, and Kurt Westerholt
15:15 |
MA 18.78 |
Spin-polarized current through organic molecules — •Daungruthai Jarukanont, Samuel Baltazar Rojas, Alan Kalitsov, and Martin E. Garcia
15:15 |
MA 18.79 |
Tunneling magnetoresistance in all-oxide La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/ MgO/ La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 tunnel junctions — •Stephanie Raabe, Vasily Moshnyaga, Kai Gehrke, and Konrad Samwer
15:15 |
MA 18.80 |
Magnetic tunnel junctions with TiO barrier — •Zoe Kugler, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
15:15 |
MA 18.81 |
Magnetic tunnelling junctions with Co2MnSi, Co2MnSn and Cu2MnAl- Heusler alloy electrodes — •Mohamed Obaida, Hasan Inam, Erik Verdijun, Kurt Westerholt, and Hartmut Zabel
15:15 |
MA 18.82 |
Current induced diffusion in magnetic tunnel junctions with ultra-thin MgO tunnel barriers — •Patryk Krzysteczko, Xinli Kou, Karsten Rott, Andy Thomas, and Günter Reiss
15:15 |
MA 18.83 |
Interface-dependent sign of tunneling magnetoresistance in CrO2/MgO/CoFe junctions — •Martin Sperlich, Marcel Mathissen, Titus Leo, Christian Kaiser, Hyunsoo Yang, Stuart S. P. Parkin, David J. Smith, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:15 |
MA 18.84 |
An investigation of bcc-Co thin-film and bulk properties and their influence on tunneling magnetoresistance — •Marjana Ležaić, Frank Matthes, Phivos Mavropoulos, Stefan Blügel, and Claus M. Schneider
15:15 |
MA 18.85 |
Bias dependence in mesoscopic systems using non-equilibrium Green’s functions — •Steven Walczak, Christian Heiliger, Michael Czerner, and Ingrid Mertig