14:00 |
MA 19.1 |
Current-induced magnetization switching of thermally stable nanoislands — •Stefan Krause, Gabriela Herzog, Roland Wiesendanger, and Matthias Bode
14:15 |
MA 19.2 |
Influence of Fe thickness on spin transfer torque in Fe/MgO/Fe — •Christian Heiliger and Mark D. Stiles
14:30 |
MA 19.3 |
Spin-torque driven excitations in strongly antiferromagnetically coupled Co/Cu/Co bilayer nanostructures. — •Eva Maynicke, Marc Weidenbach, Nicolas Müsgens, Coen Smits, Bernd Beschoten, Matthias Bückins, Joachim Mayer, and Gernot Güntherot
14:45 |
MA 19.4 |
Spin-current induced magnetic excitations in single magnetic layer nanopillars — •Marc Weidenbach, Eva Maynicke, Nicolas Müsgens, Coen Smits, Bernd Beschoten, Matthias Bückins, Joachim Mayer, and Gernot Güntherodt
15:00 |
MA 19.5 |
Investigation of spin-wave radiation and current controlled three-magnon-scattering in spin-torque nanocontact devices — •Helmut Schultheiß, Xavier Janssens, Sven Cornelissen, Maarten van Kampen, Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Britta Leven, Andrei N. Slavin, Liesbet Lagae, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:15 |
MA 19.6 |
Real-time soft X-ray microscopy of current-induced domain-wall oscillations — •Lars Bocklage, René Eiselt, Markus Bolte, Benjamin Krüger, Peter Fischer, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
15:30 |
MA 19.7 |
Homodyne Detection of Domain Wall Oscillations — Daniel Bedau, Mathias Klaeui, Stefan Krzyk, •Katarzyna Buchta, Ulrich Ruediger, G. Faini, and L. Vila
15:45 |
MA 19.8 |
Direct observation of the Walker breakdown process during domain wall (dw) propagation in Permalloy nanowires — •Sascha Glathe and Roland Mattheis
16:00 |
MA 19.9 |
Spin waves in curved Ni81Fe19 nanowires in the presence of domain walls — •Christian W. Sandweg, Sebastian J. Hermsdörfer, Helmut Schultheiss, P.Andreas Beck, Britta Leven, and Burkard Hillebrands
16:15 |
15 Min. Session Break
16:30 |
MA 19.10 |
Nanowires for high DC current applications — •Sebastian Hankemeier, Konrad Sachse, Yuliya Stark, Matthias Scholz, Germar Hoffmann, Robert Frömter, and Hans Peter Oepen
16:45 |
MA 19.11 |
Selective Vortex Core Switching by Applying Rotating Magnetic Fields — Michael Curcic, •Bartel Van Waeyenberge, Kang Wei Chou, Arne Vansteenkiste, Markus Weigand, Vitalij Sackmann, Aleksander Puzic, Hermann Stoll, Georg Woltersdorf, Tolek Tylisczak, Christian H. Back, and Gisela Schütz
17:00 |
MA 19.12 |
The influence of non centric holes on the magnetization dynamics of Landau structures — •Sebastian Wintz, Karsten Kuepper, Matthias Buess, Joerg Raabe, Christoph Quitmann, Chavkat Akhmadaliev, Lothar Bischoff, and Juergen Fassbender
17:15 |
MA 19.13 |
Harmonic oscillator model for current and field-driven vortices and antivortices — •Benjamin Krüger, André Drews, Markus Bolte, Ulrich Merkt, Daniela Pfannkuche, and Guido Meier
17:30 |
MA 19.14 |
Amplification and suppression of magnetic antivortex motion — •André Drews, Stellan Bohlens, Benjamin Krüger, Markus Bolte, and Guido Meier
17:45 |
MA 19.15 |
Dynamic Vortex-Antivortex Interaction in a Single Cross-Tie Wall — •Karsten Kuepper, Matthias Buess, Joerg Raabe, Christoph Quitmann, and Juergen Fassbender
18:00 |
MA 19.16 |
Dynamic Properties of Patterned Ferromagnetic Thin Films — •Roman Adam, Riccardo Hertel, and Claus M. Schneider
18:15 |
MA 19.17 |
Adjusting ferromagnetic precessional modes in magnetic thin film structures — •Jeffrey McCord, Rainer Kaltofen, Manfred Wolf, Ingolf Mönch, Eckhardt Quandt, Rudolf Schäfer, and Ludwig Schultz
18:30 |
MA 19.18 |
The role of bandstructure on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics — •Tobias Roth, Daniel Steil, Mirko Cinchetti, and Martin Aeschlimann