14:00 |
MA 21.1 |
Exchange interactions and critical temperature of ultrathin films MnSi/Si(001) — •Mahbube Hortamani, Leonid Sandratski, Peter Kratzer, Ingrid Mertig, and Matthias Scheffler
14:15 |
MA 21.2 |
Pulsed laser deposition of epitaxial Co2Mn1−xFexSi films — •Horst Schneider and Gerhard Jakob
14:30 |
MA 21.3 |
Characterization and nanopatterning of Ni2MnIn Heusler films — •Jan M. Scholtyssek, Jeannette Wulfhorst, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
14:45 |
MA 21.4 |
Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Order in Fe/(Ga,Mn)As studied by Monte Carlo Simulations — •Svitlana Polesya, Jan Minar, Hubert Ebert, and Christian Back
15:00 |
MA 21.5 |
Interface magnetic properties of Al/Heusler films investigated by XAS and XMCD — •Michael Kallmayer, Kerstin Hild, Tobias Eichhorn, Horst Schneider, Gerhard Jakob, Andres Conca, Martin Jourdan, Hans-Joachim Elmers, Andrei Gloskovskii, Stefan Schuppler, and Peter Nagel
15:15 |
MA 21.6 |
Mößbauer study of epitaxial Co2Cr0.6Fe0.4Al thin films. — •Vadim Ksenofontov, Christian Herbort, Martin Jourdan, and Claudia Felser
15:30 |
MA 21.7 |
Magnetic and Transport Properties of doped EuO Thin Films — •S. Altendorf, R. Sutarto, M. Moretti, T. Haupricht, and L. H. Tjeng
15:45 |
MA 21.8 |
Temperature dependent anisotropy in epitaxial PrCo7 films — •Ajit Patra, Michael Eisterer, Steffen Wirth, Konstantin Nenkov, Sebastian Fähler, Ludwig Schultz, and Volker Neu
16:00 |
MA 21.9 |
Nanocrystalline epitaxial SmCo5 films with perpendicular anisotropy — •Marietta Seifert, Volker Neu, and Ludwig Schultz
16:15 |
15 Min. Session Break
16:30 |
MA 21.10 |
Uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of Fe1−xCox(110) /GaAs(110) and Fe1−xCox(001)/GaAs(001) — •Björn Muermann, Florian Nitsch, and Günther Bayreuther
16:45 |
MA 21.11 |
Magnetic Excitations in Gd/Y and Dy/Y superlattices investigated with Inelastic Neutron Scattering — •Alexander Grünwald, Elena Tartakovskaya, Andrew Wildes, Wolfgang Schmidt, Katharina Theis-Bröhl, Peter Link, Roger Ward, and Andreas Schreyer
17:00 |
MA 21.12 |
A Neutron Scattering Study on the Antiferromagnet in an exchange biased systems — •Danica Solina, Dieter Lott, Wolfgang Schmidt, Yu-Chang Wu, Jochen Fenske, Chih-Huang Lai, and Andreas Schreyer
17:15 |
MA 21.13 |
Influence of argon-ion milling on perpendicular anisotropy of Co/Pt multilayer — •Norbert Franz, Matthias Jacobi, Leonid Lichtenstein, Hendrik Spahr, Hannes Zechlin, Holger Stillrich, and Hans Peter Oepen
17:30 |
MA 21.14 |
Spin reorientation transistion and canted magnetization of Co/Pt multilayers — •Holger Stillrich and Hans Peter Oepen
17:45 |
MA 21.15 |
Direct observation of field and temperature induced domain replication in dipolar coupled perpendicular anisotropy films — Thomas Hauet, •Christian M Günther, Bastian Pfau, Stefan Eisebitt, Peter Fischer, Ramon L Rick, Jan-Ullrich Thiele, Bruce Terris, and Olav Hellwig
18:00 |
MA 21.16 |
Study of the correlation between nanostructures and nanomagnetism in bcc Co thinfilms on Au(001) investigated by XMCD/STM — •toshio miyamachi, shin imada, takeshi kawagoe, masanori tsunekawa, hidenori fujiwara, fan-hsiu chang, hong-ji lin, c.t chen, keiki fukumoto, hitoshi osawa, tetsuya nakamura, and shigemasa suga
18:15 |
MA 21.17 |
Influence of ligand states on the relationship between orbital moment and magneto-crystalline anisotropy — Cecilia Andersson, Biplab Sanyal, Olle Eriksson, Lars Nordstrom, Olof Karis, •Dimitri Arvanitis, Takehisa Konishi, Elizabeta Holub-Krappe, and Jonathan Hunter Dunn
18:30 |
MA 21.18 |
Co L-edge EXAFS analysis of Au/Co/Au/W(110) magnetic thin films — •Masako Sakamaki, Cecilia Andersson, Takehisa Konishi, Takashi Fujikawa, Elizabeta Holub-Krappe, Hermann Rossner, Olof Karis, Andreas Persson, and Dimitri Arvanitis