14:30 |
MA 26.1 |
Relationship between the asymmetry of inelastic magnon excitation and the spin polarization — Nicolai Urban, Tobias Schuh, Albert F. Takacs, Timofey Balashov, Markus Däne, Arthur Ernst, Patrick Bruno, and •Wulf Wulfhekel
14:45 |
MA 26.2 |
Excitation of standing spin waves in antiferromagnetic thin films using hot electrons — •Chunlei Gao, Wulf Wulfhekel, Arthur Ernst, Guntram Fischer, Wolfram Hergert, Patrick Bruno, and Jürgen Kirschner
15:00 |
MA 26.3 |
Direct observation of the excitation phase of microwave excited spin waves — •Thomas Schneider, Alexander A. Serga, Timo Neumann, Burkard Hillebrands, and Mikhail P. Kostylev
15:15 |
MA 26.4 |
Wave-vector Resolved Brillouin Light Scattering Observation of Parametrically Generated Excitations in a Magnon Gas — •Timo Neumann, Aleksandr Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:30 |
MA 26.5 |
Non-resonant parametric restoration of microwave spin-wave signals in YIG films — •Sebastian Schäfer, Andrii V. Chumak, Alexander A. Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
15:45 |
MA 26.6 |
Storage and parametrically stimulated recovery of microwave signal using standing spin-wave modes of a magnetic film — •Alexander Serga, Andrii Chumak, Alexander André, Gennadiy Melkov, Andrei Slavin, Sergej Demokritov, and Burkard Hillebrands
16:00 |
MA 26.7 |
Propagation, Dispersion and Interference of Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Thin Films — Korbinian Perzlmaier, •Wolfgang Scheibenzuber, Frank Hoffmann, Georg Woltersdorf, and Christian H. Back
16:15 |
MA 26.8 |
Crosstalk of dipolar spin-wave modes in thin Nickel films — •Benjamin Lenk, Marija Djordjevic, Jakob Walowski, Gerrit Eilers, and Markus Münzenberg
16:30 |
15 Min. Session Break
16:45 |
MA 26.9 |
Determination of the magnon dispersion of ferromagnets on the nanometer scale — •Nicolai Urban, Timofey Balashov, Albert F. Takacs, and Wulf Wulfhekel
17:00 |
MA 26.10 |
Femtosecond magnetization dynamics of iron films after laser excitation — •Stefan Polei, Xuan Truong Nguyen, Armin Kleibert, and Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer
17:15 |
MA 26.11 |
Spatio-temporal magnetic imaging with a femtosecond laser Kerr microscope — •Thomas Eimüller, Jie Li, Min-Sang Lee, Wei He, and Björn Redeker
17:30 |
MA 26.12 |
Ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Gd studied by time-resolved XMCD — •Marko Wietstruk, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontius, Christian Stamm, Hermann A. Dürr, Wolfgang Eberhardt, Alexey Melnikov, Uwe Bovensiepen, Cornelius Gahl, and Martin Weinelt
17:45 |
MA 26.13 |
Ultrafast dynamics in optically excited nickel nanodiscs — •Georg Müller, Gerrit Eilers, Zhao Wang, Malte Scherff, Ran Ji, Kornelius Nielsch, and Markus Münzenberg
18:00 |
MA 26.14 |
Laser-Induced Magnetization Dynamics of Holmium-Doped Permalloy Thin Films — •Ilie Radu, Matthias Kießling, Georg Woltersdorf, Alexey Melnikov, Uwe Bowensiepen, Jan Thiele, Martin Wolf, and Christian Back
18:15 |
MA 26.15 |
Photo-Induced Magnetization Dynamics of FeRh Thin Films Investigated by Time-Resolved X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism — •Ilie Radu, Christian Stamm, Torsten Kachel, Niko Pontius, Paul Ramm, Jan Thiele, Hermann Dürr, and Christian Back
18:30 |
MA 26.16 |
First-principles study of ultrafast magneto-optical swithing in nickel oxide: Phononic contributions. — •Georgios Lefkidis and Wolfgang Hübner