14:30 |
MA 30.1 |
Predicting the formation of long chains in break junctions — •Alexander Thieß, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Stefan Heinze
14:45 |
MA 30.2 |
Relativistic optimized potential method for open-shell systems — D Ködderitzsch, •H Ebert, and E Engel
15:00 |
MA 30.3 |
An improved s-d model for the dissipative domain wall dynamics — •Lorenzo De Angeli and Manfred Fähnle
15:15 |
MA 30.4 |
Ab-initio calculations of adiabatic magnon spectra using the atomic-sphere-approximation for the spin direction — Reinhard Singer, •Frank Dietermann, Daniel Steiauf, and Manfred Fähnle
15:30 |
MA 30.5 |
Wannier-function approach to spin-wave excitations in transition metals — •Ersoy Sasioglu, Arno Schindlmayr, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
15:45 |
MA 30.6 |
Modification of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of transition metal films by external electric fields: density functional calculations — •Hongbin Zhang, Ferenc Tasnadi, Ingo Opahle, and Manuel Richter
16:00 |
MA 30.7 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of the nitrometalathes A3[MIIIN3] — •Julia Wildeboer, Joanna Katarzyna Bendyna, Peter Höhn, Walter Schnelle, and Helge Rosner
16:15 |
MA 30.8 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of Fe3O4 in the electronic ground state and in a constrained excited state — •Christos Kostoglou, Reinhard Singer, and Manfred Fähnle
16:30 |
15 Min. Sessoin Break
16:45 |
MA 30.9 |
Spin-wave excitations from time-dependent density-functional theory — •Manfred Niesert, Arno Schindlmayr, Christoph Friedrich, and Stefan Blügel
17:00 |
MA 30.10 |
Towards a linear-scaling algorithm for density-functional calculation for metallic systems — •Rudolf Zeller
17:15 |
MA 30.11 |
Collapse of strong ferromagnetism in YCo5 under pressure - a magnetically driven electronic topological transition evidenced by XMCD — •Helge Rosner, Angela Trapananti, Miriam Schmitt, Ulrich Schwarz, and Manuel Richter
17:30 |
MA 30.12 |
Temperature dependent magnetic exchange interactions in the paramagnetic state of hcp Gd. — •Khmelevskyi Sergii, Khmelevska Tetyana, Ruban Andrei, and Mohn Peter
17:45 |
MA 30.13 |
Electron theory of dissipative spin dynamics — •Jonas Seib, Daniel Steiauf, and Manfred Fähnle
18:00 |
MA 30.14 |
Parametrization of the adiabatic magnetic energy on the atomic level: spin-cluster expansion technique vs. Heisenberg modeling — •Reinhard Singer, Frank Dietermann, and Manfred Fähnle
18:15 |
MA 30.15 |
Spin-mixing in noncollinear ferromagnetic metals as basis of femtosecond magnetization dynamics — •Daniel Steiauf and Manfred Fähnle