11:15 |
MA 32.1 |
Neutron scattering studies on frustrated s=1/2 spin chain cuprates — •W. Lorenz, W.-D. Stein, A. Schneidewind, T. Unruh, B. Pedersen, C. L. Zhang, S.-W. Cheong, O. Volkova, A. Vasiliev, S.-L. Drechsler, C. Hess, R. Klingeler, B. Büchner, and M. Loewenhaupt
11:15 |
MA 32.2 |
Magnetic properties of the (CoxMn1−x)4Nb2O9 solid solution series. — •Björn Schwarz, Daniel Kraft, Ralf Theissmann, and Helmut Ehrenberg
11:15 |
MA 32.3 |
Spin-strain coupling in NiCl2-4SC(NH2)2 — •O. Chiatti, A. Sytcheva, J. Wosnitza, S. Zherlitsyn, V. S. Zapf, M. Jaime, and A. Paduan-Filho
11:15 |
MA 32.4 |
Study of iron spin states in the low dimensional polymeric system PAC by ESR and static magnetometry — •A. Alfonsov, Ch. Golze, V. Kataev, U. Pietsch, Y. Bodenthin, G. Schwarz, D. G. Kurth, and B. Büchner
11:15 |
MA 32.5 |
Crystal growth and properties of Nd2−xCa2+xCu5O10 and Y2−xCa2+xCu5O10 — •Nadja Wizent, Günter Behr, Wolfgang Löser, Mircea Apostu, and Bernd Büchner
11:15 |
MA 32.6 |
Longitudinal fluctuations in itinerant-electron systems — •Leonid Sandratskii
11:15 |
MA 32.7 |
Importance of magnetism for the thermal expansion of transition metals: an ab initio study — •Fritz Körmann, Alexey Dick, Blazej Grabowski, Tilmann Hickel, and Jörg Neugebauer
11:15 |
MA 32.8 |
Study of EuCu2(Ge1−xSix)2 across a quantum critical point — •Mahmoud A. Ahmida, Dirk Johrendt, Zakir Hossain, Christoph Geibel, and Mohsen M. Abd-Elmeguid
11:15 |
MA 32.9 |
Crystal structure and magnetic fluctuations in La1−xA xCoO3 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) — •Thomas Finger, Marco Reuther, Daniel Senff, Matthias Cwik, Thomas Lorenz, Markus Braden, Klaudia Hradil, Anatoliy Senychyn, and Yvan Sidis
11:15 |
MA 32.10 |
Ordered orbital momentum in antiferromagnets from sum rules in soft x-ray resonant diffraction — •Marcel Buchholz, Chun Fu Chang, Maurits W. Haverkort, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, Matthias Cwik, Hsueh-Hung Wu, Thomas Willers, Zhiwei Hu, Arata Tanaka, Enrico Schierle, Detlef Schmitz, and L. Hao Tjeng
11:15 |
MA 32.11 |
Ab initio investigations of Fe/GaAs(110) interfaces with respect to electronic transport — •Anna Grünebohm, Heike C. Herper, and Peter Entel
11:15 |
MA 32.12 |
Transport properties of CoFeB/MgO/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions — •Marvin Walter, Kai Ubben, Gerrit Eilers, and Markus Münzenberg
11:15 |
MA 32.13 |
Ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning of reference electrodes in magnetic tunnel junctions with MgO barrier — Volker Höink, Xinli Kou, •Jan Schmalhorst, Günter Reiss, Tanja Weis, Daniel Lengemann, and Arno Ehresmann
11:15 |
MA 32.14 |
Reconfigurable magnetic logic for all basic logic functions produced by ion bombardment induced magnetic patterning — •Volker Höink, Dirk Meyners, Jan Schmalhorst, Günter Reiss, Dörte Jung, Dieter Engel, and Arno Ehresmann
11:15 |
MA 32.15 |
On the influence of bandstructure on transport properties of magnetic tunnel junctions with Co2Mn1−xFexSi single and multilayer electrode — Jan Schmalhorst, •Daniel Ebke, Alexander Weddemann, Andreas Hütten, Andy Thomas, Günter Reiss, Andrej Turchanin, Armin Gölzhäuser, Benjamin Balke, and Claudia Felser
11:15 |
MA 32.16 |
Structural and magnetic properties of Co– and Mn–doped ZnO thin films — •Gillian Mayer, Sönke Voss, Mikhail Fonin, Ulrich Rüdiger, Reinhard Schneider, Dagmar Gerthsen, and Eberhard Goering
11:15 |
MA 32.17 |
Magnetoresistive effects in ultrathin magnetic films — •Stephen Krzyk, Alexander von Schmidsfeld, Mathias Kläui, and Ulrich Rüdiger
11:15 |
MA 32.18 |
Modulated magnetization depth profile in dipolarly coupled Co80Fe20/Al2O3 multilayers — •Subhankar Bedanta, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Oleg Petracic, Jan Rhensius, Wolfgang Kleemann, Theo Kleinefeld, Amitesh Paul, Thomas Brückel, Ulrich Rücker, Susana Cardoso, and Paulo Freitas
11:15 |
MA 32.19 |
Simulation of a nano-scale magnetic switch — •Volker Pankoke and Sibylle Gemming
11:15 |
MA 32.20 |
2-Dimensional-Magnetism of Fe-Monolayers in Pd — •Daniel Schumacher, Ulrich Rücker, and Thomas Brückel
11:15 |
MA 32.21 |
Das Wechselspiel elektrischer und magnetischer Felder in den kolossalen Widerstandseffekten von Ca-dotierten PrMnO3 — •Jörg Hoffmann, Peter Moschkau und Christian Jooss
11:15 |
MA 32.22 |
Magneto-optical Kerr effect measurements of Fe3−xZnxO4 thin films — •Matthias Pelkner, Deepak Venkateshvaran, Andrea Boger, Andreas Brandlmaier, Matthias Opel, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, and Rudolf Gross
11:15 |
MA 32.23 |
Growth and Characterization of La1−xCaxMnO3 thin films with different Ca concentrations using PLD with in-situ RHEED — •Alexander Hirsch, Heiko Fasold, Ralf Koppert, Frank Ludwig, and Meinhard Schilling
11:15 |
MA 32.24 |
Characterization of hybrid amorphous-partially crystalline thin films — •Norbert Martin, Christine Hamann, Jeffrey McCord, Jürgen Faßbender, Eckhard Quandt, Andreas Gerber, Nadja Bigall, Alexander Eychmüller, and Ludwig Schultz
11:15 |
MA 32.25 |
Magnetic properties of FeCo(110) on GaAs (110) cleaved edges — •Florian Nitsch, Björn Muermann, and Günther Bayreuther
11:15 |
MA 32.26 |
Investigation of the magnetic phase transition in thin Fe50Pt50−xRhx films by neutron diffraction — •Jochen Fenske, Dieter Lott, Gary J. Mankey, Wolfgang Schmidt, Karin Schmalzl, and Andreas Schreyer
11:15 |
MA 32.27 |
Magnetic phase transitions at interfaces studied by resonant magnetic soft x-ray scattering — •Enrico Schierle, Detlef Schmitz, Gunther Springholz, and Eugen Weschke
11:15 |
MA 32.28 |
Magnetic properties of epitaxial Fe/GaAs(110) — •Igor Barsukov, Cihan Tomaz, Ralf Meckenstock, Jürgen Lindner, and Michael Farle
11:15 |
MA 32.29 |
Effects of wet-chemical etching on MnAs/GaAs hybride structures probed by HX-PES — •Benjamin Schmid, Sebastian Engelbrecht, Michael Sing, Jan Wenisch, Charles Gould, Karl Brunner, Lorenz Molenkamp, Wolfgang Drube, and Ralph Claessen
11:15 |
MA 32.30 |
Recovery of the metal-insulator transition in electron-doped La0.7Ce0.3MnO3−δ films by photoexcitation — •Andreas Thiessen, Elke Beyreuther, Stefan Grafström, Kathrin Dörr, and Lukas M. Eng
11:15 |
MA 32.31 |
Epitaxial strain and magnetic anisotropy in LaCoO3 thin films — •Erhan Arac, Dirk Fuchs, and Rudolf Schneider
11:15 |
MA 32.32 |
Scanning tunneling spectroscopy on La0.75Ca0.25MnO3 thin film in external magnetic fields — •Thomas Mildner, Sigrun Köster, Bernd Damaschke, Vasily Moshnyaga, and Konrad Samwer
11:15 |
MA 32.33 |
Exchange shift of stripe domains in antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices — Nikolay S. Kiselev, Igor E. Dragunov, •Ulrich K. Rößler, and Alexei N. Bogdanov
11:15 |
MA 32.34 |
Thermal stability of GMR stack systems: Influence of the cap layer — •Matthias Hawraneck, Jürgen Zimmer, Wolfgang Raberg, Klemens Prügl, Thomas Bever, Stefan Flege, and Lambert Alff
11:15 |
MA 32.35 |
Low temperature ion bombardment combined with in-situ ac-susceptibility measurements — •Moritz Trautvetter, Ulf Wiedwald, and Paul Ziemann
11:15 |
MA 32.36 |
Epitaktische PCMO Schichten auf (001) orientierten und vizinalen STO Substraten: — •Peter Moschkau, Jörg Hoffmann, Julia Fladerer und Christian Jooss
11:15 |
MA 32.37 |
An ab initio study of the surface energy of Fe, Co, Pt and their alloys — •Antje Dannenberg, Markus Ernst Gruner, and Peter Entel
11:15 |
MA 32.38 |
Temperature dependent fast switching of magnetic nanoparticles — •Alexander Sukhov and Jamal Berakdar
11:15 |
MA 32.39 |
Surface anisotropy and vortex states in ferromagnetic nanowires and nanotubes — •Andrei A. Leonov, Ulrich K. Rößler, and Alexei N. Bogdanov
11:15 |
MA 32.40 |
The oxidation behavior of FePt nanoparticles in A1 and L10 phase — •Luyang Han, Kuerbanjiang Balati, Ulf Wiedwald, Lianchen Shan und Paul Ziemann
11:15 |
MA 32.41 |
X-ray Absorption Fine Structure analysis of magnetite nanoparticles — •Masataka Kitagami, Masako Sakamaki, Takuma Kaneko, Takehisa Konishi, Takashi Fujikawa, Lin Lin, Jauyn Grace Lin, and Dimitri Arvanitis
11:15 |
MA 32.42 |
Quantitative Lorentz transmission electron microscopy of structured thin permalloy films — •Sergej Nepijko, Gerd Schönhense, and Josef Zweck
11:15 |
MA 32.43 |
On the magnetic properties of composites containing CoFe2O4 nano-particles — Béatrice Hallouet, •Carsten Volz, and Rolf Pelster
11:15 |
MA 32.44 |
Fabrications and Detections of Biosensors Based on Giant Magneto-Resistance — •Ning-Ning Liu, Karsten Rott, Alexander Weddemann, Inga Ennen, Günter Reiss, and Andreas Hütten
11:15 |
MA 32.45 |
Interactions of magnetic particles in a rotational magnetic field and applications for particle manipulation — •Alexander Weddemann, Ahmed El-Gendy, and Simone Herth
11:15 |
MA 32.46 |
Trends in spin exchange interactions and ferroelectric polarization in the orthorhombic RMnO3 series — Kunihiko Yamauchi, Frank Freimuth, Stefan Bluegel, Biplab Sanyal, Ivan Sergienko, Elbio Dagotto, and •Silvia Picozzi
11:15 |
MA 32.47 |
Magnetic and thermodynamic studies of R(Mn,Fe,Co)2O5, (Bi,Sm)MnO3 and Bi(Fe,Ni)O3 — •Norman Leps, Nadja Wizent, Dmitri Souptel, Rüdiger Klingeler, Christian Hess, Natalia Tristan, Günter Behr, Matthias Lutz, Sang Wook Cheong, and Bernd Büchner
11:15 |
MA 32.48 |
Resonant soft x-ray scattering from DyMnO3 — •Enrico Schierle, Victor Soltwisch, Detlef Schmitz, Ralf Feyerherm, Dimitri Argyriou, and Eugen Weschke
11:15 |
MA 32.49 |
Multiferroic effect in epitaxial TbMnO3 films — •Joost de Groot, Emmanuel Kentzinger, Jürgen Schubert, Stefan Mattauch, and Thomas Brückel
11:15 |
MA 32.50 |
Atomic Layer Deposition and Characterization of BiFeO3 Thin Films — •Philipp Leufke, Jens Ellrich, and Horst Hahn
11:15 |
MA 32.51 |
Coupling of structure and magnetism in multiferroic RFe3 (BO3)4: Magnetostriction and thermodynamic studies — •Liran Wang, Rüdiger Klingeler, Natalia Tristan, Christian Hess, Bernd Büchner, Martin Philipp, Leschner Janet, Norman Leps, Olga Kataeva, Elena Popova, Alexander Vasiliev, and L.N Bezmaternykh
11:15 |
MA 32.52 |
Investigation of multiferroic properties in MnWO4 by SHG-spectroscopy — •Michael Maringer, Dennis Meier, Thomas Lottermoser, Gouliang Yuan, Petra Becker, Ladislav Bohatý, and Manfred Fiebig
11:15 |
MA 32.53 |
Magnetoelastic coupling of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films near the structural phase transition in SrTiO3 — •Michael Ziese, Annette Setzer, Pablo Esquinazi, Ionela Vrejoiu, and Dietrich Hesse
11:15 |
MA 32.54 |
Structure and magnetism of multiferroic hexagonal HoMnO3 — •Jong-Woo Kim, Kathrin Dörr, Konstantin Nenkov, Ludwig Schultz, Bas B. van Aken, and Manfred Fiebig
11:15 |
MA 32.55 |
Current and Field Induced Domain-Wall Motion in Permalloy Nanowires — •Gesche Nahrwold, Lars Bocklage, Hannah Ziehlke, Toru Matsuyama, Ulrich Merkt, and Guido Meier
11:15 |
MA 32.56 |
Current induced switching in MgO-based MTJs with applied bias fields — •Markus Schäfers, Andy Thomas, Karsten Rott, and Günter Reiss
11:15 |
MA 32.57 |
Magnetization dynamics triggered by THz magnetic field pulses — •Jakob Walowski, Zhao Wang, Benjamin Lenk, Malte Scherff, Markus Münzenberg, Mihail I. Lepsa, and Arno Förster
11:15 |
MA 32.58 |
Femtosecond laser Kerr microscopy — •Jie Li, Min-Sang Lee, Wei He, Björn Redeker, and Thomas Eimüller
11:15 |
MA 32.59 |
Layer resolved magnetization dynamics in coupled ferromagnetic bilayers using time resolved X-ray magnetic circular dichroism — •Tobias Martin, Georg Woltersdorf, Christian Stamm, Hermann Dürr, Roland Mattheis, Christian Back, and Günther Bayreuther
11:15 |
MA 32.60 |
Spin dynamics in permalloy antidot lattices: Experiment and simulation — •Sebastian Neusser, Bernhard Botters, Jesko Topp, Jan Podbielski, Detlef Heitmann, and Dirk Grundler
11:15 |
MA 32.61 |
Brillouin light scattering observation of the spin wave dynamics in magnonic crystals — •Andrii Chumak, Alexander Serga, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:15 |
MA 32.62 |
Very fast domain wall (dw) propagation in permalloy nanowires under the influence of strong transversal fields — •Sascha Glathe and Roland Mattheis
11:15 |
MA 32.63 |
Non-linear influences of inhomogeneous current distribution on vortex dynamics — •Stellan Bohlens and Daniela Pfannkuche
11:15 |
MA 32.64 |
Brillouin light scattering microscopy on magnetization dynamics in spin torque nanocontacts — •Sebastian Hermsdörfer, Xavier Janssens, Sven Cornelissen, Maarten van Kampen, Helmut Schultheiß, Britta Leven, Andrei N. Slavin, Liesbet Lagae, and Burkard Hillebrands
11:15 |
MA 32.65 |
Ferromagnetic resonance study of interlayer exchange-coupled NiFe/Ru/NiFe films. — Mohamed Belmeguenai, •Tobias Martin, Georg Woltersdorf, Vincent Baltz, Anna Suszka, Bryan Hickey, and Günther Bayreuther
11:15 |
MA 32.66 |
Femtosecond X-ray Spectroscopy on Ni — •Niko Pontius, Christian Stamm, Torsten Kachel, Marko Wietstruk, Hermann A. Dürr, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
11:15 |
MA 32.67 |
Bias dependence of the spin transfer torque in Fe/MgO/Fe — •Christian Heiliger, Paul M. Haney, and Mark D. Stiles
11:15 |
MA 32.68 |
Current-Induced Excitations in ferromagnetic Tri-Layer Nanopillars — •Malte Scherff, Markus Münzenberg, Anne Parge, Tore Niermann, and Michael Seibt
11:15 |
MA 32.69 |
Spin tunneling in molecular magnets on a dissipative environment — •juan manuel florez, patricio vargas, and alvaro nuñez
11:15 |
MA 32.70 |
Unusual NMR linebroadening and spin lattice relaxation in the Ca-doped S=1/2 spin chain compound SrCuO2 — •Franziska Hammerath, Hans-Joachim Grafe, Anja Wolter, Vladislav Kataev, Patrick Ribeiro, Christian Hess, and Bernd Büchner
11:15 |
MA 32.71 |
Spin diffusion in metals: ab initio treatment of impurity scattering — •Peter Zahn, Martin Gradhand, Dmitry Fedorov, and Ingrid Mertig
11:15 |
MA 32.72 |
Rabi Oscillations in a Mn doped Quantum Dot — •Doris E. Reiter, Svea Sauer, Vollrath Martin Axt, and Tilmann Kuhn
11:15 |
MA 32.73 |
Investigation of multiferroics with ultrafast nonlinear optics — •Tim Günter, Tim Hoffmann, Takuya Satoh, Thomas Lottermoser, and Manfred Fiebig
11:15 |
MA 32.74 |
The role of bandstructure on the ultrafast magnetization dynamics — •Daniel Steil, Tobias Roth, Mirko Cinchetti, and Martin Aeschlimann
11:15 |
MA 32.75 |
Investigating the Spin Dynamics in Nanostructures at Finite Temperature — David Bauer, Samir Lounis, Phivos Mavropoulos, and •Stefan Blügel
11:15 |
MA 32.76 |
Current-induced effects in exchange-biased layers — •Alina M. Deac, Yuichi Otani, Takekazu Yamane, Akio Fukushima, Hitoshi Kubota, Shinji Yuasa, and Yoshishige Suzuki
11:15 |
MA 32.77 |
Exchange coupling in Fe/NiO bilayers grown on vicinal Ag(001) surface — Yizheng Wu, Jia Li, Xiuli Fu, Fikret Yildiz, Xiaodong Ma, •Marek Przybylski, and Jürgen Kirschner
11:15 |
MA 32.78 |
Spin structure in PLD-grown Fe films on Cu(001) in- and out-of-plane magnetic profile from soft x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity — J.-M. Tonnerre, Y. Gabi, H. C. N. Tolentino, H. L. Meyerheim, F. Yildiz, X. L. Fu, •M. Przybylski, A. Ramos, E. Bontempi, U. Staub, and J. Kirschner
11:15 |
MA 32.79 |
Strong perpendicular anisotropy in Fe1−xCox alloy films grown on Pd(001), Ir(001) and Rh(001) — •Fikret Yildiz, Feng Luo, Xiaodong Ma, Aimo Winkelmann, Marek Przybylski, and Jürgen Kirschner