Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 11: Nanostructured Materials III
Montag, 25. Februar 2008, 14:45–16:15, H 0107
14:45 |
MM 11.1 |
Deformation of Metals at Small Length Scales — •Cynthia Volkert
15:00 |
MM 11.2 |
Texture and mechanical anisotropy of ultrafine-grained Al alloys produced by accumulative roll bonding — •Juliane Hüttenrauch, Werner Skrotzki, Carl-Georg Oertel, Heinz-Günter Brokmeier, Heinz Werner Höppel, and Irena Topic
15:15 |
MM 11.3 |
Strain rate sensitivity of ultrafine-grained Al and Al-Mg-alloys — •Andreas Böhner, Johannes May, Aferdita Vevecka-Priftaj, Heinz Werner Höppel, and Mathias Göken
15:30 |
MM 11.4 |
Influence of high pressure torsion on precipitation in Al-Cu-Mg alloys studied by positron annihilation spectroscopy. — •Wolfgang Lechner, Werner Puff, Michael Zehetbauer, Erhard Schafler, and Roland Würschum
15:45 |
MM 11.5 |
Grain boundary radiotracer diffusion of Ni in ultra-fine grained Cu--1wt.% Pb alloy produced by ECAP — •Jens Ribbe, Guido Schmitz, Juri Estrin, and Sergiy Divinski
16:00 |
MM 11.6 |
Three-dimensional tomographic EBSD measurements of the crystal topology in heavily deformed ultra fine grained pure Cu and Cu-0.17wt%Zr obtained from ECAP and HPT — •Anahita Khorashadizadeh, Myrjam Winning, and Dierk Raabe