Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MM 20: Electronic Properties II
Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008, 10:15–11:30, H 0111
10:15 |
MM 20.1 |
Non local exchange and correlations in Fe — •Gernot Stollhoff
10:30 |
MM 20.2 |
Transport through realistic junctions: Beyond DFT — •Frank Freimuth, Daniel Wortmann, Yuriy Mokrousov, and Stefan Blügel
10:45 |
MM 20.3 |
Fermiology of Cuprates and Non-Fermi Liquid Metallic Phases. — •Mukul Laad, Liviu Hozoi, and Peter Fulde
11:00 |
MM 20.4 |
Quantum-chemical approach to cohesive properties of metals: Anomalous behaviour of Be. — •Elena Voloshina, Beate Paulus, and Hermann Stoll
11:15 |
MM 20.5 |
Does magnesium-like zinc in a nearly ideal hcp form exist? — Nicola Gaston, •Beate Paulus, Ulrich Wedig, and Martin Jansen