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MM: Fachverband Metall- und Materialphysik
MM 34: SYM Hydrogen in Materials: New Developments II
MM 34.1: Hauptvortrag
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 11:40–12:10, H 1058
The Interaction of Hydrogen with Metal Surfaces: Molecular Precursors, Chemisorbed Atoms and Subsurface States — •Klaus Christmann — Institut für Chemie und Biochemie der FU Berlin, 14195 Berlin
In this contribution, the scenario of hydrogen interaction with (single-crystalline) metal surfaces will be surveyed including physisorbed and chemisorbed molecular hydrogen, dissociative (atomic) hydrogen adsorption, and subsurface H state population, whereby both energetic and kinetic phenomena will be considered. Special attention is devoted to H-induced structural changes of the surface region of the exposed crystal (relaxation and reconstruction), on subsurface state population and especially on molecularly chemisorbed hydrogen. Relatively strongly bound adsorbed hydrogen molecules may play an important role as a precursor during H uptake and storage processes, and recent results obtained for H and H2 interacting with the (210) surfaces of the fcc metals Ni, Pd and Rh will be presented.