15:15 |
TT 18.1 |
Charge Ordering in (TMTTF)2X: Evidences for Structural Changes — •Mariano de Souza, Alec Moradpour, Pascale Foury, Jean-Paul Pouget, and Michael Lang
15:30 |
TT 18.2 |
Realistic Parameters for the description of the two-dimensional molecular metal Θ-BEDT-TTF — •Andreas Dolfen, Erik Koch, Laura Cano-Cortes, and Jaime Merino
15:45 |
TT 18.3 |
First principles study of the charge transfer salt κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(CN)3 — •Harald O. Jeschke, Hem C. Kandpal, and Roser Valenti
16:00 |
TT 18.4 |
Extending Grüneisen’s relation on systems with two magnetic energy scales — •Andreas Brühl, Bernd Wolf, Christoph Gross, Wolf Aßmus, Roser Valenti, Stefan Glocke, Andreas Klümper, and Michael Lang
16:15 |
TT 18.5 |
Electron-phonon interaction in the lamellar cobaltate NaxCoO2 — •Alexander Donkov, Maxim Korshunov, and Ilya Eremin
16:30 |
TT 18.6 |
Effect of composition on phonon anomalies in NaxCoO2 · yH2O — •Peter Lemmens, Dietrich Wulferding, Patric Scheib, Kwang-Yong Choi, Vladimir Gnezdilov, Fangcheng Chou, Chengtian Lin, and Bernhard Keimer
16:45 |
TT 18.7 |
On the metallic conductivity of the delafossites PdCoO2 and PtCoO2 — •Volker Eyert, Raymond Frésard, and Antoine Maignan
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
TT 18.8 |
Thermal conductivity of TiOX (X=Br,Cl) — •Nikolai Hlubek, Christian Hess, Bernd Büchner, Michael Sing, Ralph Claessen, Sander van Smaalen, and Paul van Loosdrecht
17:30 |
TT 18.9 |
Competing exchange interactions in the edge-shared chain cuprates CuCl2 and CuBr2 — •Miriam Schmitt, Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler, and Helge Rosner
17:45 |
TT 18.10 |
Electric field gradients in low dimensional cuprates - a comparative study — •Katrin Koch, Klaus Koepernik, and Helge Rosner
18:00 |
TT 18.11 |
Temperature dependence of a zero bias anomaly in scanning tunnelling spectra of Sr4Ru3O10 — •Bernhard Nansseu, Tatjana Novgorodov, Michael Waelsch, Jürgen Hager, Jiandi Zhang, R. Moore, Ward Plummer, Zhiqiang Mao, and Rene Matzdorf
18:15 |
TT 18.12 |
Temperature dependence of the anomalous exponent in Li0.9Mo6O17that reveals Luttinger Liquid behavior — Tatjana Novgorodov, Bernard Nansseu, Michael Waelsch, Jian He, Rongying Jin, David Mandrus, and •Rene Matzdorf
18:30 |
TT 18.13 |
Microscopic simulation and analysis of a spin crossover transition — •Harald O. Jeschke, L. Andrea Salguero, Badiur Rahaman, Christian Buchsbaum, Volodymyr Pashchenko, Martin U. Schmidt, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, and Roser Valenti