Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 26: Superconductivity: Vortex Dynamics, Vortex Phases, Pinning
Mittwoch, 27. Februar 2008, 15:45–18:15, H 3010
15:45 |
TT 26.1 |
General critical state in type-II superconductors with longitudinal currents — •Ernst Helmut Brandt and Grigorii Mikitik
16:00 |
TT 26.2 |
Vortex Matter and Vortex Manipulation in Mesoscopic Superconducting Systems — •Roger Wördenweber, Eugen Hollmann, Jürgen Schubert, Rolf Kutzner, Konstantin Ilin, and Michael Siegel
16:15 |
TT 26.3 |
Commensurability effects in Nb thin films with randomly diluted pinning arrays — •Daniel Bothner, Matthias Kemmler, Konstantin Ilin, Michael Siegel, Reinhold Kleiner, and Dieter Koelle
16:30 |
TT 26.4 |
Self-generated vortices in NbN ultra-thin film structures — •Konstantin Ilin, Michael Siegel, Andreas Engel, Holger Bartolf, Andreas Schilling, Alexei Semenov, and Heinz-Wilhelm Huebers
16:45 |
TT 26.5 |
Vortex structures in ultra high purity niobium revealed by neutron scattering — •Sebastian Muehlbauer, C. Pfleiderer, P. Boeni, A. Wiedenmann, R. Kampmann, E. M. Forgan, and G. Behr
17:00 |
15 min. break
17:15 |
TT 26.6 |
Critical Currents in YBa2Cu3O7−δ/La2/3Ca1/3MnO3 Hybrid Structures — •Märit Djupmyr, Soltan Soltan, Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier, and Joachim Albrecht
17:30 |
TT 26.7 |
Signatures of the quantum zero-point motion of vortices in the cuprate superconductors — •Lorenz Bartosch and Subir Sachdev
17:45 |
TT 26.8 |
Flux dynamics in superconductors with columnar array of artificial defects — •Carolina Romero-Salazar, Omar Augusto-Flores, and Christian Jooss
18:00 |
TT 26.9 |
Effect of planar defects on the stability of the Bragg glass phase of type-II superconductors — •Aleksandra Petković, Thorsten Emig, and Thomas Nattermann