Berlin 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 28: Correlated Electrons: Metal-Insulator Transition 1
Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2008, 09:30–12:45, H 2053
09:30 |
TT 28.1 |
Surface Effects on Oxide Heterostructures — •Cosima Schuster and Udo Schwingenschlögl
09:45 |
TT 28.2 |
Hubbard Model on the Bethe lattice with next-nearest neighbor hopping — •Robert Peters and Thomas Pruschke
10:00 |
TT 28.3 |
Optical conductivity and specific heat anomalies in the proximity of the Mott-Hubbard transition — •Alessandro Toschi, Massimo Capone, Claudio Castellani, and Karsten Held
10:15 |
TT 28.4 |
Mott-Hubbard transition in a two-band model: From three to two dimensions — •Philipp Hansmann, Xiaoping Yang, Alessandro Toschi, Giniyat Khaliullin, Ole Krogh Andersen, and Karsten Held
10:30 |
TT 28.5 |
Orbital-selective Mott transitions in a doped two-band Hubbard model — •Eberhard Jakobi, Nils Blümer, and Peter van Dongen
10:45 |
TT 28.6 |
Quantum phase transition in the two-band Hubbard model — •Theodoulos Costi and Ansgar Liebsch
11:00 |
15 min. break
11:15 |
TT 28.7 |
Static Screening and Delocalization Effects in the Hubbard-Anderson Model — •Peter Henseler, Johann Kroha, and Boris Shapiro
11:30 |
TT 28.8 |
Real-space DMFT for inhomogeneous strongly correlated fermionic systems — •Michiel Snoek, Csaba Toke, Irakli Titvinidze, Krzysztof Byczuk, and Walter Hofstetter
11:45 |
TT 28.9 |
Micro-domain formation near the first-order Mott-Hubbard transition — •Qinyong Liu and Johann Kroha
12:00 |
TT 28.10 |
Crossover behavior in the metallic state of the one-dimensional Holstein model — •Steffen Sykora, Arnd Hübsch, and Klaus W. Becker
12:15 |
TT 28.11 |
Spectral properties of locally correlated electrons in a BCS superconductor — •Johannes Bauer, Alex Hewson, and Akira Oguri
12:30 |
TT 28.12 |
Quantum critical scaling behavior of deconfined spinons — •Flavio Nogueira