16:30 |
A 26.1 |
Cold collisions of K atoms studied by precision spectroscopy — Stephan Falke, Matthias Riedmann, Jan Friebe, Horst Knöckel, Eberhard Tiemann, and •Christian Lisdat
16:30 |
A 26.2 |
EIT cooling beyond the Lamb Dicke limit — •Maryam Roghani and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 26.3 |
Observations and Simulation of the evaporation process in an optical dipole trap — •Christoph Käfer, Thomas Boll, Riad Bourouis, Jürgen Eurisch, and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
A 26.4 |
An apparatus for ultracold Fermi gases using sodium and lithium — •Jens Appmeier, Marc Repp, Stefan Weis, Anton Piccardo-Selg, Jan Krieger, Elisabeth Brama, Peter Krüger, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:30 |
A 26.5 |
Stochastic field equations for a finite Bose gas — •Sigmund Heller and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 |
A 26.6 |
Dynamics of a Spinor-BEC in a radio-frequency-dressed magnetic trap — •Stephan Middelkamp, Igor Lesanovsky, and Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
A 26.7 |
Interaction of Ultra-Cold Atoms with Individual Carbon Nanotubes — •Gabriela Visanescu, Philipp Schneeweiß, Michael Gierling, Hannah Schefzyk, Andreas Günther, Germán Sinuco, Thomas Judd, Carsten Weiß, Reinhold Walser, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 26.8 |
Bose-Einstein Condensates in Superconducting Microtraps — •Brian Kasch, Daniel Cano, Helge Hattermann, Reinhold Kleiner, Dieter Kölle, Claus Zimmermann, and József Fortágh
16:30 |
A 26.9 |
An ion in a sea of ultracold atoms — •Stefan Schmid, Sascha Hoinka, Albert Frisch, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
16:30 |
A 26.10 |
Multi-channel scattering in cylindrical confining trap — •Shahpoor Saeidian, Vladimir Melezhik, and Peter Schmelcher
16:30 |
A 26.11 |
An ultracold Bose gas in an optical dipole trap — •Lena Simon and Walter Strunz
16:30 |
A 26.12 |
A novel atom chip based experiment for studies of Bose-Fermi mixtures in one dimension — •Philipp Wicke and Nicolaas Johannes van Druten
16:30 |
A 26.13 |
Ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms in optical lattices — •Lucia Hackermueller, Thorsten Best, Ulrich Schneider, Sebastian Will, Dries van Oosten, and Immanuel Bloch
16:30 |
A 26.14 |
Magnetic Trapping of metastable Magnesium — •M. Riedmann, J. Friebe, K. Moldenhauer, A. Pape, A. Voskrebenzev, E. M. Rasel, and W. Ertmer
16:30 |
A 26.15 |
Towards a mesoscopic ensemble of ultracold fermions — •Matthias Kohnen, Friedhelm Serwane, Timo Ottenstein, Thomas Lompe, and Selim Jochim
16:30 |
A 26.16 |
Dynamics of a low-dimension ultracold Bose gas — •Cédric Bodet and Thomas Gasenzer
16:30 |
A 26.17 |
A frozen Rydberg gas as a model system for quantum critical phenomena — •Peter Kollmann, Björn Butscher, Hendrik Weimer, Ulrich Raitzsch, Rolf Heidemann, Vera Bendkowsky, Robert Löw, Hans Peter Büchler, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 |
A 26.18 |
Trapped Rydberg Ions — •Markus Mueller, Linmei Liang, Igor Lesanovsky, and Peter Zoller
16:30 |
A 26.19 |
Ultracold plasma from the gases of light atoms — •Andrey Lyubonko, Amar S. Sil, and JM Rost
16:30 |
A 26.20 |
Excitation of Rydberg atoms in a Bose Einstein Condensate — •Cenap Ates and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 |
A 26.21 |
The Subharmonics of Electron Emission from Ultracold Plasmas: Collective Plasma Oscillations vs. Individual Excitation of Rydberg Atoms — •Yurii V. Dumin and Jan M. Rost