Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 7: The Sun and Heliosphere I
Dienstag, 4. März 2008, 14:00–16:15, KGI-Aula
14:00 |
EP 7.1 |
Das neue 1.5m Sonnenteleskop GREGOR — •Reiner Volkmer
14:30 |
EP 7.2 |
The magnetic field of the quiet Sun — •Oskar Steiner
15:00 |
EP 7.3 |
Single-lobe Stokes-V profiles in the solar atmosphere — •Reza Rezaei, Wolfgang Schmidt, and Rolf Schlichenmaier
15:15 |
EP 7.4 |
Doppler shifts on the full solar disk in the chromosphere: The chromospheric network and coronal holes — •Christian Bethge, Hardi Peter, and Christian Beck
15:30 |
EP 7.5 |
On the nature of coronal loops — •Sven Bingert, Pia Zacharias, and Hardi Peter
15:45 |
EP 7.6 |
Solar wind outflow from the base of the corona: Comparison of modeled EUV spectra and observations — •Pia Zacharias, Hardi Peter, and Jörg Büchner
16:00 |
EP 7.7 |
Radiosondierung der Sonnenkorona mit Rosetta, Mars Express und Venus Express in 2004 und 2006 — •Matthias Hahn, Martin Pätzold, Silvia Tellmann, Bernd Häusler und Mike Bird