Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 11: QCD (Theorie)
Montag, 3. März 2008, 16:45–19:15, KGI-HS 1132
16:45 |
T 11.1 |
Heavy flavor cross section in deeply inelastic scattering at O(αs2) and beyond — Isabella Bierenbaum, Johannes Blümlein, and •Sebastian Klein
17:00 |
T 11.2 |
NLO QCD Korrekturen zur WWZ Produktion am LHC — •Vera Hankele und Dieter Zeppenfeld
17:15 |
T 11.3 |
Z or W± Production with Associated Two Jets in kT-factorization — •Michal Deak and Florian Schwennsen
17:30 |
T 11.4 |
Valence quarks and kt factorisation — •Krzysztof Kutak, Michal Deak, Hannes Jung, and Alessandro Bacchetta
17:45 |
T 11.5 |
Analytic approaches to parton showers and matching conditions — •Simon Plätzer
18:00 |
T 11.6 |
W+–boson helicity fractions in the decay t → b + W+ +g for hard and noncollinear gluons — Stefan Groote, Wen-sheng Huo, •Kadeer Alimujiang, and Juergen Koerner
18:15 |
T 11.7 |
On-Shell-Renormierung unter Berücksichtigung massiver leichter Quarks — •Stefan Bekavac, Andrey Grozin, Dirk Seidel und Matthias Steinhauser
18:30 |
T 11.8 |
Korrelatoren schwerer Quarkströme im Niederenergielimes — •Andreas Maier
18:45 |
T 11.9 |
Ultrasofte Renormierung der Potentiale in vNRQCD — •Maximilian Stahlhofen und André Hoang
19:00 |
T 11.10 |
Top Anti-Top production at the NNLO level — •Peter Bärnreuther and Michael Czakon