Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 15: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) I
Montag, 3. März 2008, 16:45–19:15, KGI-HS 1021
16:45 |
T 15.1 |
Running bottom quark mass at the GUT scale — Luminita Mihaila, •Jens Salomon, and Matthias Steinhauser
17:00 |
T 15.2 |
Große Vereinheitlichung in supersymmetrischen Theorien — •Nicolai Braschos und Robert Harlander
17:15 |
T 15.3 |
Electroweak Contributions to Squark Pair Production — •Sascha Bornhauser, Manuel Drees, Herbi Dreiner, and Jong Soo Kim
17:30 |
T 15.4 |
Resonant single slepton production with a stau LSP — Herbi Dreiner, •Sebastian Grab, and Maike Trenkel
17:45 |
T 15.5 |
Sneutrino LSPs in R-Parity violating minimal supergravity models — Markus Bernhardt, Siba Das, Herbi Dreiner, and •Sebastian Grab
18:00 |
T 15.6 |
Vector boson production as background in SUSY searches at the LHC — •Altan Cakir, Wim de Boer, Daniel Daeuwel, Martin Niegel, Valery Zhukov, and Eva Ziebarth
18:15 |
T 15.7 |
Mass Factorization in Dimensional Reduction — •Lisa Edelhäuser and Werner Porod
18:30 |
T 15.8 |
NLO electroweak corrections to g g production at the LHC — •Edoardo Mirabella and Wolfgang Hollik
18:45 |
T 15.9 |
Mass determination of invisibly decaying sneutrinos at the ILC — •Tania Robens, Wolfgang Kilian, and Juergen Reuter
19:00 |
T 15.10 |
Tau polarisation as sensitive probe for CP violation in chargino production at the ILC — •Anja Marold