Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 16: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) II
Dienstag, 4. März 2008, 16:45–19:00, KGI-HS 1021
16:45 |
T 16.1 |
Warped Higgsless Weak Boson Fusion — •Christoph Englert and Dieter Zeppenfeld
17:00 |
T 16.2 |
graviton production with 2jets at the lhc in large extra dimensions — kaoru hagiwara, partha konar, mawatari kentarou, •qiang li, and dieter zeppenfeld
17:15 |
T 16.3 |
Collider phenomenology of a deconstructed higgsless model — Thorsten Ohl and •Christian Speckner
17:30 |
T 16.4 |
TT Bound States in Littlest Higgs Models at the LHC — •Ana Alboteanu and JoAnne L. Hewett
17:45 |
T 16.5 |
Excited hadrons in AdS/QCD — •Michael Beyer, Wayne de Paula, Hilmar Forkel, and Tobias Frederico
18:00 |
T 16.6 |
Topcolor mit flavor-neutralem Hyperladungssektor — •Felix Braam, Michael Flossdorf, R. Sekhar Chivukula, Elizabeth H. Simmons und Stefano Di Chiara
18:15 |
T 16.7 |
Elektroschwache Observablen im Hypercharge-Universal Topcolor Modell — •Michael Floßdorf, Felix Braam, R. Sekhar Chivukula und Elizabeth H. Simmons
18:30 |
T 16.8 |
Conformally invariant extensions of the Standard Model: theory and phenomenology — •Viviana Niro
18:45 |
T 16.9 |
Indirect Detection of Gravitino Dark Matter with Broken R-parity — •David Tran and Alejandro Ibarra