Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 30: Neutrinophysik mit Beschleunigern I
Montag, 3. März 2008, 16:45–18:45, KGI-HS 1224
16:45 |
T 30.1 |
Status des OPERA–Experiments — •Christoph Göllnitz für die OPERA Kollaboration
17:05 |
T 30.2 |
Electron identification in the Opera emulsions — •Frank Meisel for the OPERA collaboration
17:20 |
T 30.3 |
Indirekte Messung der Neutrinomassendifferenz bei OPERA — •Torben Ferber für die OPERA Kollaboration
17:35 |
T 30.4 |
Das GERDA-Experiment — •Jens Schubert für die GERDA Kollaboration
17:55 |
T 30.5 |
Neutron Interactions as Seen by A Segmented Germanium Detector — Iris Abt, Allen Caldwell, Kevin Kröninger, •Jing Liu, Xiang Liu, and Bela Majorovits for the GERDA collaboration
18:15 |
T 30.6 |
Effect of IR and UV light on naked Germanium detector — Iris Abt, Kevin Kröninger, •Xiang Liu, Bela Majorovits, and Erin O’Sullivan for the GERDA collaboration
18:30 |
T 30.7 |
Estimate of the Internal Gamma Background of the GERDA Experiment — Iris Abt, Jozsef Janicsko, •Daniel Lenz, Jing Liu, Xiang Liu, Bela Majorovits, and Jens Schubert for the GERDA collaboration