Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 71: Beschleunigerphysik III
Freitag, 7. März 2008, 14:00–16:00, KGI-HS 1019
14:00 |
T 71.1 |
Superconductive Undulators: Mechanical deviations and their influence on the phase error — •Daniel Wollmann
14:15 |
T 71.2 |
Investigations on reflective optics for an optical system used for time resolved measurements — •Kilian Rosbach for the PITZ collaboration
14:30 |
T 71.3 |
Laser-basierte Synchronisation mittels optical cross correlation mit Femtosekunden-Genauigkeit am FLASH — •Sebastian Schulz und Vladimir Arsov
14:45 |
T 71.4 |
Machine Protection for the European XFEL — •Lars Fröhlich, Igor Cheviakov, Sven Karstensen, Timmy Lensch, Martin Staack, Jörg Thomas, and Petr Vetrov
15:00 |
T 71.5 |
Development of a new Low Level RF Control for the S-DALINAC — •Martin Konrad, Asim Araz, Uwe Bonnes, Ralf Eichhorn, Ulrich Laier, Markus Platz, and Achim Richter
15:15 |
T 71.6 |
Messsystem für die Energiekalibration des ANKA-Speicherrings — •Tobias Bückle, Ingrid Birkel, Miriam Fitterer, Erhard Huttel, Marit Klein, Anke-Susanne Müller, Robert Rossmanith, Nigel Smale, Richard Stricker und Pawel Wesolowski
15:30 |
T 71.7 |
ILC Beam Energy Measurement by means of Laser Compton Backscattering — •Michele Viti, Heinz Juergen Schreiber, and Nickolai Muchnoi
15:45 |
T 71.8 |
Direct Detection of the Electron Cloud at ANKA — •Sara Casalbuoni, Ralf Weigel, Michael Hagelstein, Ubaldo Iriso, Elena Mashkina, and Anke Susanne Müller