Freiburg 2008 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 86: Niederenergie-Neutrinophysik und Suche nach Dunkler Materie I
Montag, 3. März 2008, 16:45–18:50, KGII-HS 2004
16:45 |
T 86.1 |
The CRESST experiment: recent results and perspectives — •Federica Petricca for the CRESST collaboration
17:05 |
T 86.2 |
Simulation of the Neutron Background for the CRESST Experiment — •Stephan Scholl, Michael Bauer, Klemens Rottler, Gerhard Deuter, Tobias Lachenmaier, and Josef Jochum
17:20 |
T 86.3 |
New Results from the CDMS-II experiment — •Tobias Bruch for the CDMS collaboration
17:35 |
T 86.4 |
CDMS-II Backgrounds — •Tobias Bruch for the CDMS collaboration
17:50 |
T 86.5 |
Thermal Detector Model for Cryogenic Composite Detectors for the Dark Matter Experiments CRESST and EURECA — •Sabine Roth, Christian Ciemniak, Chiara Coppi, Franz von Feilitzsch, Achim Gütlein, Christian Isaila, Jean-Côme Lanfranchi, Sebastian Pfister, Walter Potzel, and Wolfgang Westphal
18:05 |
T 86.6 |
Material Screening Measurements of XENON100 Detector with GATOR Set-up at LNGS — •Ali Askin for the XENON collaboration
18:20 |
T 86.7 |
Background predictions for the Xenon100 Experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory — •Alexander Kish for the XENON collaboration
18:35 |
T 86.8 |
Backgrounds of the XENON10 Experiment at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory — •Marijke Haffke for the XENON collaboration