Bochum 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
HK 12: Heavy Ion Collisions and QCD phases
Montag, 16. März 2009, 16:30–19:00, H-ZO 10
16:30 |
HK 12.1 |
Eingeladener Gruppenbericht:
Recent lattice results on the QCD phase diagram — •Sandor Katz
17:00 |
HK 12.2 |
Phases of QCD, role of strangeness and PNJL model with 2+1 flavors — •Thomas Hell, Nino Bratovic, Marco Cristoforetti, Simon Rößner, and Wolfram Weise
17:30 |
HK 12.3 |
Quarkyonic matter and chiral symmetry breaking in the Nambu-Jona–Lasinio model with Polyakov loops in large Nc — •Chihiro Sasaki, Larry McLerran, and Krzysztof Redlich
17:45 |
HK 12.4 |
Shear viscosity and out of equilibrium dissipative hydrodynamics — •Andrej El, Zhe Xu, and Carsten Greiner
18:00 |
HK 12.5 |
Suppression of forward dilepton production from an anisotropic QGP — •Mauricio Martinez and Michael Strickland
18:15 |
HK 12.6 |
Role of the tetraquark in the chiral phase transition — •Achim Heinz, Stefan Strüber, Francesco Giacosa, and Dirk H. Rischke
18:30 |
HK 12.7 |
The Chiral Transition in QCD: on the quark mass dependence of Goldstone fluctuations — •Wolfgang Unger
18:45 |
HK 12.8 |
QCD equation of state from a HTL quasiparticle model — •Robert Schulze